“Are you a great husband? Do you want to be one’? Do you want to be a husband the wife will adore honour and hero-worship? Then all you just need to do is to develop the trait of a great husband and have the trait of a great dad.

(1) THE FEAR OF THE LORD – ¬The first trait of a great husband is the fear of the Lord. He fears the lord enough to obey his word, he fears the lord enough to love and provide for his wife, no husband can be said to be great if he didn’t fear the Lord.

(2) HE IS OF A GODLY CHARACTER – A great husband is of a Godly character, he is meek, gentle, caring, loving, ready to forgive supportive, wise and talk with wisdom.
He is not stingy, he is honest, doesn’t go to night clubs, he doesn’t drink, smoke or unfaithful to his wife.

(3) HE IS IN LOVE – He loves his wife with all his heart and he is not ashamed to let anybody know this. He expresses the love to the wife at any given opportunity.

(4) HE RESPECTS AND HONOUR HIS WIFE – When you see a man that embarrasses his wife in the public, he is a baby husband, he is not a great man. A great husband respects and honour his wife and give all glory to God.

(5) HE IS A GOOD COMMUNICATOR – There is nothing a woman wants more than to be her talking mate. She needs a man to listen passionately to her when – She talks, a great husband is good at this. He is open to his wife, he speaks the truth in love, and he is always positive in his reaction to his wife.

(6) HE IS A GREAT LEADER – He is never a boss, he is a leader, he knows how to make his people follow him without forcing them. He has a vision and he shares the vision with his family, he influences the family and he leads by example, he makes his people work without warring with them, he makes them do all things with joy.

(7) HE IS DILIGENT – A great husband is a worker, he is not lazy, he knows that favour comes only on the train of labour and not idleness, he put his hands to work and make bread available to his family.

(8) HE SATISFY HIS WIFE BEDROOM DESIRES – A great husband is romantic, he knows how to make his wife enjoy him, he is tender, patient and careful with his wife in the bedroom, he knows that foreplay is a must if a woman must enjoy sex, hence he never rush the wife but bring her up before any sexual act.

(9) HE GIVES HIS WIFE PEACE – The wife of a great husband is always unhappy to see him leave because he is a man of peace, no fighting, no bitter argument, no abusing or cursing, no shouting, malice, bitterness ” resentment, bickering and hatred with a great husband. he is a source of joy to his darling wife.

(10) HE IS COMMITTED TO MAKE HIS MARRIAGE WORK : He never threatens the wife with beating, separation or divorce, he is ready to give his marriage anything to make it work, his wife his number one in his life after God, his wife is his thinking partner, prayer partner, bedmate, soul mate, lover one and the only one.

Next articleUnderstanding Wrong Relationships
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