1): “Everyone does it”, “Virginity is stupidity”, “It is just lack of opportunity”, etc: These are powerful satanic sexual lies to create unnecessary sexual pressure. Hear me friend; There are so many virgins in town. Even in Sodom and Gomorrah, there were virgins.(Genesis 19:8,14). There are many married couples who have been married for many years and they are very faithful to each other. Believe in the sanctity of marriage.
2). “Having sex is a proof of love. Sex is love, that is sexual activity is a proof of love.”: To the married, sex is the physical expression of their love to one another but to the single, sex is a proof of lust based on destructive ignorance. Don’t sleep with somebody on the platform of promise-I will marry you. You don’t give someone something concrete for something abstract. “If you love me prove it in bed”. Some young men tell you that. Altar is the first place to prove love, not bed. (Gen 22:2, 12).
3). “Confirm before you commit”, “Verify before you vow”, “Test before you testify.”: This implies that you need to know how good he/she is in bed before you marry. The truth is he/she can be good before marriage and bad after marriage. Obey God and say no to pre-marital sex.
4). “Men will always be men.”: This implies that promiscuity is a sign of masculinity. This is another satanic sexual lie. Real men take charge and control their sexuality.
5). “Sex consolidates relationship.”: Meaning sex makes relationship strong. This is a lie. Why do we high rate of divorces? Sex consummates marriage.
6). “Sex makes one feels good.”: That is in marriage. A married man or woman who is sexually satisfied feels good. But illicit sex is a doorway to confusion, spiritual emptiness, delay, stagnation and frustration.
7). “Sex cures loneliness.”: This is another satanic sexual lie. Loneliness is a state of mind. That is why you can be alone and not feel loneliness. Also, you can be in the crowd and be very lonely.
8). “ ‘Safe sex’ is safe.”: The concept of ‘safe sex’ is an illusion. It is cultural/self-delusion. Condom was made for pregnancy prevention, not for virus prevention. Trying to use condom to prevent virus is like trying to security barbed wire to prevent mosquito. That is madness!
9). Sex is a sign of Maturity: This implies that you are not yet a man or a woman until you begin to have sex. This is another deception from hell.
10). Delayed Sex Causes Abdominal pain in men & pimples on women: This is a lie. There is no medical evidence or support.
11). Ladies are ‘lovesick’: Ladies often get very close to men because they are ‘lovesick’ and want to become sexually involved. This is a lie. Don’t believe it.
12) “Sex is the answer to all your Problems”: This is a delusion from hell. Sex addicts have so many complicated issues.