1) Are they presently in a Relationship? Find out..
Ask direct or indirect questions, ask them Or a friend of theirs. Save yourself the embarrassment of finding out in a very not so cool way that he or she is already taken.
2) Are they interested In You.?
So they are Single, good, buh don’t forget, It takes two to tangle, personally, I don’t encourage you to even seek or try to woo a Person who doesn’t have any iota of love for you at all, although some persons don’t seem to mind..
As the electric is shocking you, please try and find out if it is shocking them too, no matter how low the current is..
3) Are they meant for You.?
There are cool people in your life that are only meant to be your office colleague, or Just Friends, and a Relationship with them will only be a recipe for disaster..
Do your life goals align? Are you compatible? Vision wise, purpose wise?
4) Are you for them?
So they have the capacity to support your dreams, what about you?
Don’t go into Relationships with someone you can’t or won’t support their dreams and life goals that you are very well aware of.,
And Lastly;
5) Is God interested in It?
“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” Proverbs 3:5.
So You Like them, they like you, you click, goals and all.. Great, but holdup a second.
Get direction and conviction before you get yourself involved