Home Motivational Facts BEAUTY IS NOT WASHABLE



These days when I watch our local TV shows or go for walks, the kind of heavy make-up and wigs some ladies wear makes them look less beautiful, if not ugly. I wonder, why do they do that to themselves? The make-up being heavy or the wig being expensive is not what makes you beautiful. Make-up can be washed but real beauty cannot be washed.

People need to understand that simplicity is beautiful; trying to follow trend to look sophisticated makes you become complicated. The things we put on is not what defines our value. Looking good doesn’t make you a good person. In the same way looking rich doesn’t make you rich.

As a matter of fact, your values, integrity, your heart, passion for others, your thoughts, wisdom are the things that define your value. These are not sold in a market, they are built or developed, they are things you live for; your principles.

Many of these ladies who try to look rich are doing that just to attract a rich person. Someone who can give them more money for their expenses. They are quick to turn away a man who is simple looking. They tend to question such a man, “when you look at me very well, do you think I am your kind of woman?”.

Ladies fond of that, It’s time you take a good look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself the honest question, why is it that the men are not settling down with you but are comfortable with your patronage and leave when they are done with you?

Decorating a store or shop can be nice and attractive, but don’t forget people do not go to buy the store or shop but rather the things in it. What is in the store defines the store, not the look. If the store is empty no one has a business going there.

When you have a provision shop, cold store, etc. what is on sale is the content. Content is always the king. Your store could look very appealing or attractive but if you don’t have anything inside, people will bypass you to a store which could look less attractive but is well stocked.

In the same spirit, a man looking for a woman as a wife goes beyond the body. The body is just a container or store that houses the soul. He is interested in what is inside the container, he is interested in the soul. That is why men look for a soul mate and not a body mate.

He is interested in your mind, your goal, vision, direction. He wants a woman who is wise. A woman who is intelligent and knows the difference between needs and wants. A woman who knows her place in his life, a woman who will learn about him and understand him.

A woman he can have a great conversation with. A woman he can dedicate a task to and trust her and count on her for a great result or outcome. A woman who knows her value, not the one who doesn’t know her value and believes wearing expensive stuffs defines her value.
“She is strong and graceful, as well as cheerful about the future. Her words are sensible, and her advice is thoughtful” – Proverbs 31:25-26 (CEV).

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