It’s required of a every man who is willing or wants to get married, a man who wants to become a husband, to become a father first. Becoming a father is not limited to having a child or impregnating someone. Fatherhood goes beyond that.

A father is a source. It might interest you to know that the first man Adam, birthed the first woman Eve. “God put the Man into a deep sleep. As he slept he removed one of his ribs and replaced it with flesh. God then used the rib that he had taken from the Man to make Woman and presented her to the Man” – Genesis 2:21-22 (MSG). Eve was taken from Adam, in other words, Adam gave birth to a woman he eventually married or became a husband to and fathered her kids. He is the father or source she was taken from.

Source can be defined as a place, person, or thing from which something originates or can be obtained. A source is a provider, a source is a giver. Before you become a husband to her, learn how to provide for her, learn how to give to her. If you can’t provide for her, if you can’t give to her, if she can’t rely on you then you are not worth being her husband.

If she has to force you to provide for her, if she has to beg you to provide for her, then she can’t be your wife. The desire to provide is in the DNA of a man who wants to be a husband. One of the signs that shows a man is with the right person as a wife is his willingness to provide or give to her.

Stinginess is not in the DNA of a father, therefore a man who is stingy cannot be a father or husband to you. Selfishness is not the nature of a father, therefore a man who is selfish, who thinks about himself alone, cannot be a father or husband or a family man. He can’t keep a family. If he is not reliable, his family or wife cannot depend on him, he is not a husband material.

Young lady dating, you don’t need to teach, force or beg a man to be a man. That’s why you don’t need to demand from him, if he can’t freely give, he just can’t be your husband.

A Provider is not limited to a man who can give money or gifts; he gives himself to the one he loves, he gives himself to his family, he gives his time and attention to them. He is devoted to them and puts them first. He gives his best to the family. He shares his mind, wisdom and knowledge; he educates the family, directs or instructs the family.

A father protects those he loves, especially his family, wife and children. A father does not abuse those he loves, his arms and home are their safe place.

If you are seeking to marry her and you cannot protect her from danger but rather expose her to danger, such act disqualifies you from being her husband and the father of her children. Any man who uses his muscles and strength on a lady he wants to marry, either by physically abusing her, forcing her to have sex with him or raping her, is not a candidate for a husband.

In conclusion, “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” – Genesis 2:24 (NIV).

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