Men and women are equal — but that does not mean they are the same. God created men and women to be different, and one key to a great marriage is to work with His design rather than against it.
Men and women’s brains connect differently. Men predominantly use the left side, while women tend to be more balanced between the two hemispheres. For this reason, women are usually better at multi-tasking, while men typically focus on one thing at a time until completion.
What motivates men isn’t necessarily what motivates women. A woman tends to desire nurturing, connection, and support. Men lean toward protecting, pursuing, and defending. Because of these differences, their fears are not the same. Men fear disrespect and failure, and women fear isolation.
Because of different fears, men and women respond differently. Dishonor causes a man to fight or fly out of a stressful situation. However, the fear of isolation will cause a woman to share with others who relate to them. Both responses can cause more chaos rather than peace.
The differences may be challenging at times, but it can also be beautiful. All it takes is time, willingness to learn, and adapting to them, but it’s so worth it.