To reconcile means to put an end to a disagreement and start of a good relationship again.
For Ages, man has been in a serious disagreement with God. Several things has contributed to this disagreement. Not until man reconcile with God, curses, loses, disaster, wrath, punishment, and eternal condemnation (Hell fire) etc. awaits man.

To every disagreement, there must be a cause. What would be the cause of Gods disagreement with man? Generally, the cause of disagreement with man is mans shortcoming (sin-Isa. 59:1-2). Sin is the transgression of Gods commandment (1John 3:4). It is the addition and subtraction of Gods word in all dispensations (Prov. 30:5-6, Rev. 18:19). This sin could be divided into moral and doctrinal sins.

Moral sins are those sins which relates to human behavior or character with either God or man. And doctrinal sins are those sins which relates to the worship of God. Behavioral sin includes: fornication, adultery, divorce and re-marriage, guilt, stealing and other works of the flesh.

Though some people do not regard those as sin today, the bible condemns them and that makes it a sin to do them (Gal. 5:19). Equally, division, or establishment of human place of worship and system of worship is doctrinal sin (Col. 2:8).
In the Garden of Eden, the disobedience of our fore-fathers (Adam & Eve), brought about their disagreement with God which resulted in the destruction of good relationship that had existed between Him and man, and the subsequent pronouncement of punishment (Gen. 3:1-15).

Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron (Lev. 10:1-3) died during the course of sacrificing in the temple. One might quickly ask, why did God killed them for trying to offer sacrifice to him? Their sacrifice was with disobedience. This shows the danger of not doing according to Gods principles. Also, King Uzziah was inflected with leprosy because he acted beyond his capacity (2Chron. 26:16-31).

God has limitations for some people in His worship, acting beyond amount to punishment. E.g. Women are to learn in silence, men are to lead in prayers and teaching when the whole church gathers (1 Tim. 2:8, 11-15), contradicting this amount to disobedience to Gods command and subject to punishment (Eph. 5:6). Obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Sam. 15:22). Like the sons of Eli and Saul (1 Sam. 2:16 & 1 Sam 15:1-22), today a lot of people have been indulging in disobedience, sexual immoralities has been the order of the day. If I may ask, is the woman living with you your real wife? (Jn. 4:17-18):

How many have you sent away and marry another? As a lecturer or teacher, how many student have you slept with or plan to do so? Whoever you are, do you secretly or openly have an affair with one whom you have not marry? If you are guilty in your conscience in any of these, you are not at peace with God. You need reconciliation immediately.

God has His own order and system of worship which true worshippers must follow-(1 Chron. 15:12, 13; Titus 2:11-12, Jn. 4:23-24). Each day and at different places, we see people and places of worship, Is God in those places of worship? Are worship rendered rightly to God in these places? As Christians, we are to worship in spirit and in truth (Jn. 4:23-24). This simply means worshipping God according to the NEW TESTAMENT not according to old, (Rom. 7:6).

How do you worship God, what are your items of worship, Are you a cross testament worshipper (i.e. worshipping God using both old and New Testament)? Who lead your worship, is it men or women? God requires men to lead everywhere (1 Tim. 2:8). Doing contrary is perverting Gods command and holding to the traditions of men (Matt. 15:6-7, Mk. 7:7-9, Rom. 10:1-3). Beloved, are you the one to direct God on how His worship could be rendered? No. He is our God. These really has brought serious disagreement between God and man.
It becomes very necessary to reconcile with God immediately because:

God has appointed a day of judgment: (2 Cor. 5:10, Heb. 9:29, Matt. 25:31-46). Everyone will be judge without bribe and favor through the word of Jesus. You and I will be judge irrespective of who we are. Judgment will not favor whoever is not reconciled to God now. Jews and Christians will be judged differently. While the Jews will be judge with the Old Testament, Christ the chief judge will judge Christians according to the New Testament (Rom. 2:12).

No reconciliation in the grave: Death is everywhere and people are dying every day. Who will be the next, no one knows his/her time to die. It may be now or Christ appears. The time is near. The rich fool never prepare to die (Luke 12:16-23 & Luke. 16:19-31). After death, judgment, after judgment reward (hell or heaven). Shall you be answered well done by the Lord. Reconciling is the solution and the time is now. How can we reconcile and escape the damnation to come (Heb. 2:2. Rom. 8:1, Col. 3:15).

Christ is the channel through which man is reconcile to God (2cor. 5:18-19). He is the prince of peace (Isa. 9:6). He reconcile us with God through His death. How? Through baptism (Rom. 6:3-5). Baptism is a new birth (Jn. 3:3-5), it washes away both moral and doctrinal sins (Act 22:16), old things are pass away 2cor. 5:17 including ignorant worship (Act 17:30).
Also Christ reconcile us to God in one body (Eph. 2:16, Col. 3:15). For one to be reconcile to God, he/she must be in Christ. This means being in His body (one body) Col. 3:15. There is only one body (Eph. 4:4) which is the church, own by Christ (Col. 1:18, 24, Eph. 1:21-22).

Though several man made religious group exist in the world today called church, only one Church was purchased (Acts 20:28), founded and owned by Christ (Matt. 16:18),only one church could one be and is reconcile to God (Eph. 5:23). She is the family of God which wears the name of Christ (Eph. 3:14, Rom. 16:16), worships according to the New Testament (Titus 2:11-12) and scripturally organized, with qualified men managing her affairs (1 Tim. 3:1-13, Titus 1:5-9). Outside this is human body which shall lead to destruction. Upon scripturally baptism, one gains entrance into the body of Christ (Gal.3:26-27, 1 Cor. 12:13).
Examine yourself, are you in the one true church that was established by Christ? Where you scripturally baptized into the body of Christ? If not, the CHURCH OF CHRIST is nearer to you.

Hear the word of God, written or verbal (Rom. 10:14)
Believe the gospel (Matt. 16:15-16, Rom. 10:9-10)
Repent of former ways (Luke 13:3, 5)
Confess Jesus as Gods son and Savior (Matt. 10:31-32, Rom. 10;9-10)
Baptized into His body (the church-Rom.6:3, Matt. 16:16)
Be steadfast till the endDavid Essien.

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