So many years ago, a man of God told me after my ministration in a youth concert, “you have a great future, you are a great man of God but beware of mosquitoes”.
If you want to make it in life, beware of mosquitoes.
If you want to sustain the presence of God, beWare of mosquitoes.
I was wondering what he meant by that so I asked how do you mean sir?
He smiled and told me “my brother, ” as dangerous and strong as the Lion is, infact all animal fears him but he fears the mosquitoes”.
The man of God asked if i know what makes the Lion fear the mosquitoes? No sir, I replied.
He told me that a bite of mosquitoes infects the Lion with malaria and malaria makes a great Lion die like a fly. I looked like I’ve never heard such words before.
As an anointed man of God, you are strong in many people’s eye.
Witches and wizards will see you as a terror but small mosquito sees you as a resovour of it’s parasite, please be ware of small mosquitoes.
Small sin that does not matter can be dangerous because you might not want to confess them.
Common sins that are over looked are like mosquito that you don’t see most times but they are very deadly.
The devil might not be able to pull you down with the big sins, if there is any sin like big sin but the small ones like anger, malice, gossips, idolatory, hatred, pride, disobedience, disrespect and even talking down people who are in good standing with the Lord can make you loose the anointing and miss heaven at last.
Beware of mosquito friends.
A resent research show this:
Buffalos kill 7 people every year.
Lions kill 500 people every year.
Hippos kill 800 people every year.
Spiders kill 5000 people every year.
Scorpions kill 7000 people every year.
Snakes kill 10000 people every year.
Guess what?
Mosquitoes kill 2.7 million people every year. This was 2014.
The smallest are the deadliest.
After your fastings and prayers, after all the new year resolutions, after you have promised to be like Jesus, beware of those sins that easily bring you down.
Small ‘sins’, they are hardly noticed by men, but the most deadly to your spiritual life.
Many great men have been brought down, don’t be the next.
Avoid excuses for not praying and allotting few moments of your day to your creator
Sins of omission are just as deadly as sins of commission.
Be ware of mosquitoes my anointed friend.
I am talking to you who like talking any how. That’s mosquito trying to send you to the grave.
White lies, gossiping, small lies, are committed more frequently and are deadly.
In the kingdom of God, there is no provision for jokes. Sin is sin. The last time I checked, the soul that sinneth shall die.
Sin is a reproach folks. Sin will bring your down from the top of the mountain. Sin will useless you.
The last time I checked, the wages of sin is still death.
We thank God the gift of God is still eternal life.
That is the only repellant to this notorious mosquito. He can fix the problem of backsliding for you.
He can restore back the Holy Spirit into you.
Mind those little compromises that you do daily.
They are the ones that will bring your downfall.
Don’t be another victim.
Repent and live holy .
Turn away from your wicked ways.
There’s cure in Jesus.
If you can’t help yourself, inbox me and I will pray for you.
A word is enough for the wise.
Don’t be a victim. I love you but Jesus loves you most.
This is one of my full revival messages, it has blessed so many lives. Hope it blesses you too.
I am only a yielded vessel.