I read the comments on one of my posts where some single ladies said they can’t wait to have babies if they marry late (from 30 something upward) as that is God’s will for them and they cannot question God.

Listen singles, God does not cause any marital delay or any other delay in life! Don’t let the devil brain wash you so you won’t see him as the culprit and fight for your destiny! Every form of delay be it marital, financial, child bearing and whatever is caused by the devil so rise up and boot him out of your life!

Some singles are patiently waiting for the Lord to “release” them so they are not doing anything but lamenting over their situation.

Excuse me, you are the one that will do something about that situation. Christ has finished the work on the cross and has given you power over serpents and scorpions. If you are born again, you are seated with Jesus in heavenly places far above Principalities and Powers so rise up and declare your liberty!

If God has expressely told you to wait, it’s not because He wants you to marry at old age, it is because He wants you to get rid of a weakness or character flaw before He gives you that great man He has for you. He knows if you don’t deal with those weaknesses you will ruin your life and marriage and as a loving father who cares for you, He waits patiently for you to deal with them before giving you a spouse, the earlier you deal with the weaknesses the better so you will be the one doing the delay not God! That is the truth, get up and do something about your situation!

Some ladies are battling generational curses, every or almost all ladies in their family married late. Some entered into covenants through pre-marital sex, some were tied spiritually to their past sex partners through soul tie, some were cursed by an annoyed witch somewhere. Whatever the issue, rise up and declare war on the stronghold of marital delay! Some men don’t have stable relationships! They keep attracting users, abusers and cheats! Get up and fight for your glorious marital destiny! Do not keep folding your arms and watch!

You are the one to decide when to get married not any devil! I had always wanted to get married at 30. I see no big deal about that. That’s my choice. I loved the Lord with all my life, served Him with my energy and simply enjoyed being single. Younger cousins were getting married around me, I wasn’t bothered. Pressures were mounting, I didn’t care, I married 3 months short of my 30th birthday.

That’s the way I planned my life. I still waited before having my first baby. I and hubby had waited for sex so we planned to enjoy every bit of it in marriage, plan our future together, simply enjoy each other’s company before baby arrives. We could travel to places of choice, attend life changing programmes together without worrying about where to keep the baby. We also want to give our children the best training within our disposal so we took time to prepare for their arrival. I never once regretted my decision.

It’s okay to marry at 25 if you are mature and ready for it. Go for what is yours, stop believing the lies of the devil or you will grow white hairs and still not get married. Get good books that will help you deal with this issue! Go for deliverance if you must! Do something pratical about your situation, do not let any devil delay you. God bless you. Cheers!

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