Which word perfectly describes your current relationship, Freedom or Prison? Many people are in what I call Prison relationship. The freedom to what they want to be and who they are, ceased the day they agreed to be in a relationship or date someone.
Their partners monitor their movements, set spies who follow them, and some even have hidden software installed on their partners’ phone where they can track their location, read their messages and listen to calls remotely.
One partner wants to dictate to the other and control them, who they talk to, what they say, what they do, to the extent of when they sleep, wake up or activate their data.
This is not funny anymore; this is definitely not love but pure madness. You are in a prison, you have gotten your life stuck to an insecure person in the name of love and you think they love you?
If anyone has to force, push or beg you to do anything to please them, or gives you certain conditions to prove your love, then it’s not love. If you really love someone, allowing them to be who they want should be what makes you happy.
No two partners can ever be the same, they will forever be different. What one likes might be the same thing the other dislikes. Everyone is unique, with their specific role on earth, having different upbringing, etc. But love is blind to that; love is particular about serving the other.
If you don’t trust your partner, then don’t date them, but if you agree to date them, then please trust them to the extent that he or she feels guilty just at the thought of cheating on you.
Let them go if you are afraid of losing them for the bible says in 1 John 4:18 (NLV) “There is no fear in love. Perfect love puts fear out of our hearts. People have fear when they are afraid of being punished. The man who is afraid does not have perfect love”.
If however you agree to be with them, then care for them to an extent where they value you so much that they don’t want to lose you. No human being is an object to manipulate or a gadget to control. Your partner is not a thing to use to achieve what you want. Those who don’t know what love is behave like this and try to make you believe it is so. Don’t get confused.
Anyone who claims to love you needs to understand that in spite of their immense love for you, they are not the only ones who make you happy; others also do and they matter in your life as well.
The painful truth is, sometimes we don’t realize the weight some relationships or partners put on us in the name of love, until we experience freedom when released from it.
In conclusion “May you be given more and more of God’s kindness, peace, and love” – Jude 1:2 (TL