There are many people who claim they are in love and that their partners love them so much. However it is sad to know that their partners value the things they have acquired more than the presence of the man or woman in their lives. If they had a chance to choose between their partner and any other thing, the partner becomes an option not a choice. It’s funny to know how some singles are fighting to earn a spot in the life of their lovers. Besides all the strong and deep feelings they confess to have for one another, their spot is not secure.

People can like you, have feelings for you and yet not value you. If someone doesn’t value you, how do you expect such a person to leave others for you? How do you expect them not to give up on you? How do you expect a marriage between you to last?

Love is about value, when someone values you; they put a certain amount of value on you. The higher your value to them, the better they treat you good. We care for what we love because of its value. You can easily ignore others for people you value.

When you value someone, they never grow old in your heart, all things may grow old and weak but your commitment and care only grows stronger and better with each passing day. It is like giving birth to a baby; as you watch it grow, take care of him, lose sleep for him, go out loud for her, the baby becomes more beautiful each passing day, the more you grow to like the child, get attached and the greater your bond becomes.

When such a child grows up, they may do things that hurt you, but the love you have for them never dies. When we love someone, we value them like we value ourselves, they are precious to us. The value of love is measured by what one is ready to give up for you, the price they are ready to pay for you. That’s why you can hear lovers say, I don’t mind dying for you, giving up my life for you or taking a bullet for you.

If you meet someone who is ready to give up their lives for you, then you have found love. Jesus Christ saves us by giving His life for us. Love comes with a price. It is funny to hear someone say they love you but they can’t leave their exes for you. They can’t leave their association for you. They can’t leave their parents for you.

It is a complete joke to hear a guy tell a lady, “I love you but I am not ready to pay for your bride price”, complaining about what they are spending to get her. It just means she is not the most valuable person in his life. And such a person doesn’t love you, no matter how special they feel about you.

Love is a choice and not a feeling, to love is to be committed to someone till death do you apart. Such a person might meet other beautiful faces and great personalities when they go out but none can be compared to you. For they remember the vow, the promise, the commitment made to you. This is what keeps grandma and grandpa together till date.

When you love someone, you never stop thinking about them. Distance never separates you because they are constantly in your thoughts. You telling them “I love you” is not just a habit but a reminder that they are your life. You never wait for such a person to ask you things before you get it for them because you have studied them so much and know what they need tomorrow but you want to get it for them today.

In conclusion “Love does no wrong to anyone. That’s why it fully satisfies all of God’s requirements. It is the only law you need” – Romans 13:10 (TLB).

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