It is a common belief that a right life-partner is hard to find. I think it is an old-wife-story to think thus. A right life-partner comes easy (through grace and not through smartness), but are often ignored due to the fact that a lot of people have already bought into the crazy lie that they have to suffer agonizing pain of mistreatment and untold humiliation in the hand of their ‘partner’ to make it real due to the warped orientation they have received, that ‘it is hard to find the right partner,’ so they end up with the wrong ones.
Why should i get involved, in the first place, with a person who is very hard to understand, difficult to deal with, and impossible to please? In our generation today, we complicate things for ourselves. The original plan for us human beings is for us to have a sweet marital relationship with our spouses. To find the right partner that you are seeking, one has to first of all be ‘right’ themselves.
The right person attracts the right partner, but to maintain it is another different ball game entirely – magnet attracts metal, but cannot attract rubber. The other day i was discussing with a friend about how criteria for choosing a partner has changed over time, and we pointed out to each other that people don’t make preparation for a long lasting relationship.
One of the factors is that they tossed godly principles pertaining marriage into the trash-can of modernity. In other words; they don’t prepare for marriage, rather, the prepare for wedding only. The other factor is that many candidates for marriage misplaced their priority.
They prioritize things that don’t matter in marriage. For example, people pay too much attention to how their partner should dress in a trendy way and ‘make-ups,’ as against spiritual compatibility, love, good manners and upbringing (upbringing has to with the discipline that builds up a person’s character). The consideration of good values in choosing life partner has since become obsolete.
Another angle that we have to look at it from is we ourselves what have we been doing wrong? We open the door for our enemy to come-in and attack us. The number one destroyer of marital destiny is fornication and adultery.
When you open the bottle of that ‘sweet drink’ that was supposed to be bought sealed, do you expect a prospective buyer to take it with first-hand-value? No! So as long as you have already opened it before the buyer comes, poison and other foreign elements which were not part of the original ingredients would freely have their way in that bottle.
A commodity that was supposed to be priced high has now become cheap, because the value has dropped. It is not too late to embrace chastity, dear friend!