Some years ago, a brother took a sister to an eatery to propose to her. The brother led an opening prayer session prior to the proposal. He spent about thirty minutes calling for “FIRE” to destroy all environmental powers while fervently praying and speaking in tongues.
Before he rounded off praying, the sister was already on her way to her house while the waiters and some customers in the eatery were already on their kneels, saying “Amen” to the brother’s prayers. The brother left there with anger when he discovered that the sister he was in love with had disappeared.
My dear brother in the Lord, why are you like this? You don’t need to propose to a lady as if you are in a prayer meeting or a deliverance service. You don’t need to send down fire or start casting out demons while you are trying to tell a sister how much you love her. Wake up! You are not in a crusade ground, my brother.
You don’t need to spiritualize your marriage proposal. You ought to behave like a lover boy, not as an apostle, a prayer warrior, or a revivalist when you want to propose. Even the Scripture says: There is time for everything. Ecclesiastes 3:1
Some of you brothers need to be smart and learn to be romantic. You can be holy and be romantic. You need to learn how to pass your romantic message across to a lady you love without sounding like a missionary or an evangelist. Surprise her with a sweet treat. Invite her to a very romantic or beautiful place like a beach, museum, cinema, or even a lovely eatery. Ask her to order whatever she likes. Make good comments about her beauty and the clothes she is wearing. Commend her look. Make her laugh. Listen to her. Treat her like a beauty queen. By so doing, you are sowing a powerful seed in her heart, my brother.
When you love a sister, go straight to the point. You don’t need to start quoting Songs of Solomon. She knows it! Just tell her you LOVE HER AND WANT TO GET MARRIED TO HER. Show her how much you love her if you are truly convinced she’s the one.
And never tell her, “Thus says the Lord, you are my wife!” Because “Thus says the Lord, you are my wife” is not scriptural. It is a form of manipulation and spiritual intimidation. Propose marriage as a lover boy, not as an “apostle” or a “revivalist.” Never make your marriage proposal look like a mandate from God.
Many years ago, one of my friends fell in love with a very beautiful lady in our church but refused to talk. Any time he met with the sister, he would be quoting scriptures and sharing revelations.
I told him to go straight to the point since he had prayed about her and gotten the confirmation. But he never listened.
He kept quoting the scriptures and sharing his revelations until a SMART Christian brother from another church proposed to the sister. Within a year, she was taken to the altar. The “Unsmart” brother regretted.
Hear me, Brother in the Lord, when you love someone and you are convinced about her, do not speak in parable. Tell her how much you love and how you like to have her as your beloved wife.
May God give you the spirit of boldness and wisdom to go about it because I am expecting your wedding invitation this year.