You don’t prepare IN marriage; you prepare FOR marriage. The marriage you don’t prepared for will surprise you when you get there. After the wedding, you will start searching for marriage in a marriage that was not there from the beginning. Research tells us that MARRIAGE PREPARATION is the one sure way of reducing marital dissolution.
Solomon, the wises King advises us to go to the ant and learn a lesson. He said in Proverbs 30: 24 “The ants are a people not strong, yet they PREPARE their food in the summer”.
The Ant are creatures with little strength, yet they KNEW – Epignosis the importance of PREPARATION by storing food during the summer before the winter comes.
When the winter of marriage comes, how many couples can survive? MANY COUPLES WEDDED IN THE SUMMER AND SEEK FOR MARRIAGE IN THE WINTER. Only those who prepare themselves FOR marriage during the summer by storing enough knowledge, understanding and wisdom, can survive in the winter season of their marriage.
Wedding is for a day, marriage is for a life time. Therefore, invest more for the Marriage and less for the wedding.