When you’re in love, you think about the person you’re in love with all day. You think everything they do is wonderful. Being in love can make you feel on top of the world, but it can also make you nervous and edgy.
You get a strange, restless feeling when you see the person. You might even get stomach ache. You can’t help smiling. You don’t know what to say when you see them – or you talk too much because you’re trying to impress them. If all this sounds familiar, you’re probably in love!
If you want to know whether the other person feels the same way about you, trust your feelings. Often you can feel whether someone is interested. If you’re not sure, be brave! Try to get into a situation where you’ve got a chance to talk to the person. You could also send them a text message or try to make contact on MSN.
If you notice they’re not really responding or they’re even trying to avoid you, there’s a good chance they don’t return your feelings.