One of the fascinating things about marriage is that every dream or notion doesn’t always come into play. Marriage is not a place where all you expected dreams, and well furnished or planned life comes into manifest. There is no accidental fulfillment in marriage because it’s a place where ones purpose does always comes into reality and this more reason why we are scriptural admonished never to soul-ties with an unequal yokes with a church-goer (none spiritual broken) or unbeliever.
2 Corinthians 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? You don’t get married with motives of fulfilling your entire dream in marriage. You must ensure such dream and vision kick starts while in your singleness because marriage simply means helping one another.
It’s a place where each individual contribute immensely toward the growth of their relationship by solving various marital problems. There must surely be a problem, and that is the reason why marriage is instituted by God for the purpose of helping one another in resolving to any uprising problems of life.
However, in the motion of trying to help one another, you can’t persuade your life partner or spouse to always dance to your tune. If you are into such act, always commanding and instructing your partner to abide under your self-will without dialogue or trying to understand how he/she feels, it’s obvious that such relationship will never be in peace but rather burnt in discomfort and self afflicted with pains.
Marriage is supposed to be enjoyed and not managing or pretending as if all is well while you are dying secretly in pains. Marriage is two different parallel poles which involves matured adults (different characters) who voluntarily agreed to live happily with each other in peace and harmony.
However, when you tend to get into a marital relationship with the assumption of redefining or changing the character of your partner, it won’t work (you’re not a Holy Ghost). That is known as “manipulation.” For example, if a beloved brother who often browsed through the internet and later behold a sister with an interest in marrying her.
The lady can’t just approve his marriage proposal with the intention of persuading the brother to stop browsing the internet or to permanently delete his Facebook account or stop football gambling and betting. That is manipulation, and it can’t work out.
These same principles also involve individual life characters. You can’t compel or work people into changing their character or self-will but you can work into them by making them to understand your notion or life policy or doctrine, by sharing your vision, ideas and dreams in such marriage.
And likewise try to make them understand the importance of re-adjust to one’s life policy. All these roles can only be implemented through mutual understanding between the couple, and it’s not earned by enforcement.
I and my husband are both born again children of God. We have married for more than a decade with children, and we both lived happily in harmony until one day, when my husband got stocked in football gambling business (bet9ja). One certain day, I behold my lovely husband with some papers in his hand, and I inquired of the purpose of the papers, which he affirmed that they were business contract paper works.
Afterward, I began to see him take a keen study of the papers, but inwardly, I knew that things were not right. I discovered that his zeal and interest toward mid-week church fellowship, bible reading, morning devotion, and evangelizing became crushed, and he suddenly backslides woefully. This incident was the reason why I decided to inquire from his closed friend about the nature of the papers that my husband always gazed upon.
My husband friend confided with me that those papers are football gambling papers (bet9ja). I was confused, dejected, and frustrated because all attempts to persuade my husband to stop playing football betting were annulled. It’s feel on deaf ear and one of the day while he was trying to go and play football betting, I stood boldly before him in confrontation and even lucked up the door.
Unfortunately, that was the first day my husband ever laid his hand on me. He battered me mercilessly and pushed me out of his way. It’s was a nightmare encounter because merely nagging and shouting were all futile. Nevertheless, I later narrated the whole incident to my pastor, and he vividly advised me to take it to the Lord in prayers, which I detested because I assumed I could easily talk sense into him.
After a while I decided to embrace my pastor advice by petitioning my husband gambling addiction into prayers because I discovered that he was struggling in his finance and the family seems to lack financially due to his football gambling addiction.
After some months, the Lord heard my cries and prayers and decided to wipe away my tears, and today, my husband is fully recovered back to Christ. One fateful day, my husband beckoned unto me for forgiveness. He was pleading sorrowfully and assured me that he was ever ready to commence evangelizing and honoring church fellowships.
Today, my husband has stopped football gambling and betting and presently serving God in joy and wholesome happiness. I’m so grateful unto God, and I returned all the glory unto him because it’s only God who can wrought such miraculous breakthrough in the life of my lovely husband.
You don’t need to nag or rage at your husband to stop football betting because he is demonized and doesn’t know what he is doing. You simply need to embrace and accept him and his gambling motives. You can’t talk him out of such addicts but you can draw closer to him and try to discover the reason why he cherished to waste his money in football gambling. While conversing with him, you must be lively and happy. Kindly accept him with the knowledge that he is bewitched and under some sorts of demonic spells that need spiritual intervention.
Praying and Fasting:
It’s obvious from above true life encounter and experience that breaking out or overcoming football gambling or betting can only pave-way through the mercy of God by prayers and not by your consistency nagging or shouting. You can’t force your husband against his will in the issue of football gambling or betting because there is a demon involved in gambling.
The demon of Mammon’s is a very wicked evil spirit that always crushed the heart of his victim. His first diabolic work is to shut the ears of the victim from hearken unto godly instructions, and it takes the degree of praying and fasting to break off such demonic ear blockage before expectation of miracles
Spiritual Feeding:
While acting as a beloved wife unto your husband, drawing closer and increasing your affection toward him, you must also drew him closer to God. You need to create time and share the word of God with him. Please don’t try to bring up the issue of football gambling because that might piss-him off.
Whenever you tend to advise or preach to people or persuade them to abolish or repent of their sinfulness or error, they will always mark you as a “virus” simply because the world hates the truth. And this is reason why you need to first act friendly to them, associate with them, and try to understand what always prompt them to commit such evil.
When you keep drawing closer to them without consisted rebuking or trying to act Holier, they will trust you and when you eventual earned their trust and back-up your spiritual mission in prayers, definitely the Holy Ghost will sponsored your mission. And any day you attempt to preach to them amicably, they will hearken and even volunteer to follow you to your church.
1 Corinthians 9:18-23 “What is my reward then? Verily that, when I preach the gospel, I may make the gospel of Christ without charge, that I abuse not my power in the gospel. For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more. And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law;
To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law. To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. And this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you”
My point is this: before you attempt to convince other people unto repentance, you must apply wisdom, be friendly, jovial, and cheerful and be wise. You must let the light shine through you before preaching to other unto repentance.
Your Character:
You are the bible which your husband is reading consistently and if you don’t know how to tamed your tongue and act politely in submissiveness don’t expect your husband to hearken to your preaching against football gambling or betting. Before you tend to convince him, you must keenly examine your Christians lifestyles and ensure you are living righteously and not just only going to church but likewise been watered by the word.
In most scenarios, the reason why your husband seems to act adamant to your ministration is due to your erroneous lifestyles. I mean, how can you convince a football gamble addict to stop gambling while you are neither a saint? Your husband vividly knew you are not at peace with some of your family members, malice, envy and jealousy with hatred often crippled your heart and how do you expect him to hearken unto your godly instruction to stop football gambling or betting.
How is that possible?
So, you need to first get administered into spiritual clinic for a spiritual check-up and revival, becomes purges and spiritually sanctified, and ensures you are a new being in Christ. Let your husband behold a new wife in you, and such spiritual signs will create an impact in the transformation of his spiritual life, and certainly, testimony will follows