Several people who are in a relationship, find themselves separated by various circumstances which brings distance. This separation normally serves as threat to their relationship.
In the process of time, feelings of love towards your lover will begin to dwindle which could result to break in courtship. If you are in distant courtship or you are looking for how to handle yours, in order not to get your heart broken, you need to read and study the items listed below:
1) Trust: One of the major things you need in your long distance courtship will succeed is trust. Trust will put your mind at rest by making you belief the words of your spouse. Lack of trust will bring suspicious, which reduces love in a relationship.
2) Contentment: You must be contented with the person you are dating, even though you are far away from each other. What you can do to sustain this relationship, is to be contented with your partner. Believe in him or her, it is essential.
3) Public Announcement: Since both of you profess to love each other while you are together, you have to step-up the love even when you are miles apart. To do this, inform everybody around you that you are engaged. It is advisable that you take his or her pictures with you always.
4) Create Time to Visit: Inability to visit one another in long distance courtship has created lots of loopholes in the relationships. Courtship is not just an expression of words, it entails commitment. If you are only committed to your academics, job or business with little or no commitment to your courtship on the excuse that you have no time, you are already digging the grave for that courtship.