It’s being said that many ladies of this day are much more interested in weddings than marriage. If the amount of time and resources committed to wedding ceremonies will equally be invested in marriage relationships, marriages will be heaven on earth.

The wedding ceremony is not a must because it does not validate marriage. What validates marriage is fulfilling the marriage customary and traditional rights of the people one is marrying from.

While a wedding is a mere marriage ceremony associated with celebrations, marriage is the legally/formally recognized union of two persons as partners in a personal relationship.

It is not the wedding that makes the marriage. Rather, it’s the marriage that makes the wedding. Wedding is not the glory of marriage. Rather, it’s marriage that is the glory of a wedding. There can be marriage without a wedding, but there can not be a wedding without marriage.

It’s quite unfortunate that some would-be couples have turned their lovely relationship because of a wedding ceremony. Some young people would owe their in-laws by not fulfilling the customary rights but would spend a huge sum to do a wedding ceremony.

Marriage is not validated by the wedding ceremony but by fulfilling the marriage customs of the people, and especially, paying the bride price, and this costs a huge fortune.

A young man will fulfil the customary rites only to wait for almost a year or more to raise the money for a wedding ceremony. Some have fallen into diverse relationship temptations, thereby piercing themselves with many griefs. See 1 Tim. 6:6-10.

Let no one misunderstand my position. I’m not against wedding ceremonies, I had one, and I know how long it took me after settling the customary and traditional rites because of the resources available to me at that time.

Where the resources are available, one can have elaborate ceremonies as much as he wants, but waiting for too long after the real thing is what I object to. Both customary and wedding ceremonies can be conducted the same day to cut costs.

“The wedding ceremony can [only] provide legal validity, social recognition, commemoration, and recording functions to the marriage. Moreover, it can hold significant symbolic meaning for both spouses.” Apart from this, nothing more.”

Another thing is that “the importance of a wedding ceremony in a marriage can vary greatly depending on cultural, religious, and personal beliefs.” But then, marriage is purely a cultural tradition.

Moreover, I’m still searching for a scriptural basis for a white wedding ceremony (signing marriage licenses, having witnesses, a priest), etc. Marriage ceremonies existed before the advent of the church.

“The Church wasn’t even involved with weddings until the twelfth century. Before that, people would get married and then meet at the church to have their marriage blessed, and that was it. Clergy did not officiate.”

“But the church has to have their fingers in every pie, and so became involved in weddings too.”

A couple noted, “I don’t see the point of having either the government or the church involved in your relationship. They have nothing to do with it, and frankly, I find the whole thing frivolous.”

“My wife and I just decided we were married. That was the end of it. No church, no vows, no ceremony, no cake, no clergy, no officiating, no government, nothing. I signed a power of attorney in case anything happened to me so she could handle our affairs.”

“We filled out wills and health care directives. If one of us was dying, we’d make it official to make the transfer easier. Other than that, I just don’t see the point in standing in a ceremony.”

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