No man does you any favour by marrying you. You are the one who does him favour. God said this loud and clear in the Holy book: “He that findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtaineth FAVOUR from the Lord”.
Ladies who look desperate, chase and beg men for marriage don’t know their worth. When you know your worth darling, you will relax and let a man who values a good thing locate you.
That is why you should invest in yourself daily. When you know you carry a billion dollar capacity, the way you see and carry yourself will be different!
Build your financial capacity! Learn how to make, multiply and keep money.
Build your spiritual capacity. Learn how to commune with God and stay on fire!
Build your physical capacity. Stay in shape, stay in health. Keep your energy in top gear.
Build emotional capacity. Learn how to stay strong and powerful no matter the circumstances you face!
Build relationship capacity. Learn how to build good lasting, successful relationship with people!
Let me see which man will know you are his wife and not chase you!
How can a woman have all these capacity and no godly man runs after her?
It’s either her time has not come or she is battling marital delay.
The solution to the two is very simple. Wait for your time according to Ecclesiastes 3 or destroy the yoke of marital delay.
You know I love you? Kisses…