Home Relationships MARRIAGE IS LIKE A SHOE



When you wear an oversized one, be ready to drag it along throughout life, and when you wear an under-size one, be ready to feel the pains throughout life. One thing about marriage is that you don’t drop your shoe or remove it at any point, no matter how painful or how stressful it is! That is why I thought it necessary to share with this message that a friend sent in to me.
Dear Singles, when you are ready to buy your own shoe please take note of these three things:

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Do not look for the beautiful ones, the nice ones or the cheap ones. Look for the one that is your size. Not every handsome, wealthy or intelligent guy is for you, not every beautiful woman is for you. Look for the one that is meant for you, the one that aligns with your values and belief, the one who you meet at your life’s journey. It is important to know where you’re going in life before you think of getting a wife.

POSITION: All sizes of shoes are not placed in the same place. There is a place for court shoes, laced up shoes, sport footwear, snickers etc. We have Children sizes, young people’s sizes and the adult sizes. Know where to get your own shoe. Your size cannot be everywhere my brother, your type cannot be everywhere my sister. You cannot be a Christian, and be looking for a wife material at a club. Your wife or husband can’t just be everywhere. Stick to your values and therein you shall find someone like you, but when your values are not defined anyone can just match you. Discover yourself and define your values.

PERCEPTION: In this kind of shoe purchasing enterprise, you are not permitted to try the shoe before you buy. Your body, the bible says, is the temple of the Holy-Spirit. This is why it is important to seek guidance and counseling, from people who have bought shoes before or are into the business of directing people to the right shoes. And most importantly to avoid much time wasting, simply consult the shoe manufacturer to tell you your size (God Almighty). Testing before you buy will only hurt you more! Again, “You do not prepare for wedding, you prepare for marriage.”

Ladies these days get so motivated when they attend wedding and they will quickly want to say yes to that guy. Wait! It is not just the wedding Oh! The wedding is just one day. After the wedding what next?
Finally, it is not something you rush to the market and just pick a shoe because you like or can purchase it.

Ask these questions:
Where is this shoe made from? (Background).
What’s the size (Values).
How much (His/Her interest).
How long will it last (His/Her Character).
Who made it? (Is He/She of the same faith. This is compatibility).
Will it match me? (This is whether he/she love you and will accept you the way you are)

Dear one, remember many are dragging their foot in certain marriages, just because they choose a wrong size. Their destinies and dreams are dying slowly, because the choices they made, is enough to build them or tear them down, but unfortunately, they got those whose main goal is to tear them down! One American Ambassador, when talking to Kenyans before the last elections, said this…..”Choices have consequences! Yes, he was right.

It does not apply in politics alone, but even in marriages, the choice that you make matters a lot! If the fruits you’re eating from your choice is good, i rejoice with you, but if all you see is pain, then beware, choices have consequences, and the same applies in marriage. Many are feeling endless pains and wish they could pull off the shoes but no way, because once you make certain choices, is a done deal, no re-winding!

My brothers and sisters, i have seen people with beautiful shoes, and when they show you their foot, you will see scars. They looked at the face, and forgot to look at the character too. Beauty without character is in vain. Even the bible says “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. [Proverbs 31:30]. My brother, putting on the right shoe is what matters.

If you get the right one with good characters, the bible says “She is more precious than rubies; [nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her; those who hold her fast will be blessed. [Proverbs 3:15-18]. Let me ask, which man will not like to have such a wife? If you have one, praise the Lord.

That is the right shoe my brother. Beloved, it is not about the physical, it is the size, you can’t know the size from afar so come close, build a relationship first but remember “you are not permitted to try it before you buy it”.
And for those who have purchased the wrong shoes, you can still make it your size again if you’d consult the manufacturer. [God]

He alone knows just what needs to be put in place, for the shoe to fit you this time, but it requires your prayers more that reason and running around for counselors for help. Only GOD CHANGES HEARTS, NOT MAN., let Him have His way in your marriage. God bless us all.

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