Of a truth, “He that findeth a wife, findeth good thing”. He that findeth a godly woman, a righteous lady, great is he! He that is not fast to pick a woman, not fast to marry a woman, will find the Lord’s perfect partner in life.
So don’t just marry a woman, when you know you can’t love her forever. Your love towards your wife must be complete and not half. So, we are commanded to marry a woman (beautiful or ugly) whom we can love forever.
Of a truth all women are beautiful, made in the perfect beauty of God. They’re precious treasures that must not be despised or mocked. He that despiseth his wife is mocking God. The God of the weaker vessel will fight for her!
Seek the will of God in marriage. Don’t go into marriage when your heart is covered with the crowds of lust and hatred. No! Don’t try it. Get that heart purged from sin, before preparing for marriage. It is a risk you are taken, if you try it.
Don’t marry a woman you can’t love. Hence, parents should not force their sons to marry a lady their heart doesn’t accept. You’re harming his future family. Let him make his choice, he is of age, leave him. But you can advice him, but don’t force him or force a woman upon him, No.
But let the choice be centered in the will of God. Don’t marry a sinner. No matter how beautiful and attractive her body could be, yet, don’t be equally yoked together with an unbeliever. Control yourself, reject her, God cannot give holy things to dogs.
Seek for a true woman. A holy woman, a righteous woman, pure in character and having a good report within and without. Pray well, the Lord knows your heart desire and he will bring her before thee.
Love is the banner that unites the couple together. Stand on love. Whether she later got accident and lost her leg or eyes or her charming face scratched and disfigured, still love her, even to death. She is thy best and first lady. Others are inferior, she is superior, Amennnnn.
So, be careful when choosing a life partner. Pray and pray again, pray! Inform the pastor for deeper counseling, he sees far above thee. Pray, not 5 minutes prayers, no! It may even last for 1 or 2 years to find the will of God for you in marriage. Control yourself
marriage has brought death and damnation to many careless believers. Others have gone, be careful.
The sweet thing has a bitter taste inside. Be wise, marriage is not HEAVEN. Heaven is more blessed than earthly marriage.