Marriage is for the matured, not just the old in age. You can be old and still not be mature. Many people are dating and one of the goals is to find out if their partner is mature. Not everyone dating is mature and not everyone dating knows who is matured.

One way of finding out if the one you are dating is matured is how he or she takes responsibility for their mistakes or when they err. Many old folks don’t recognize their mistake or admit it when they wrong someone. Even when it is pointed out to them, they either get angry or defend it.

Such behaviours are childish and immature. People with such behaviours are not candidates for successful and lasting marriages. The earlier you leave such relationships, the better for you.

Persons in relationships with these immature folks easily get fed up with them, and in an attempt to make them see their mistakes or where they went wrong, these partners try to talk to their friends, parents, siblings, pastors or any respected person who will help them see their mistakes.

Mostly, the outcome is that, the one whom they contacted to speak to their partner ends up apologizing on their behalf, with assurances they will talk to them and they will change. Unfortunately, many continue to exhibit the same behaviour.

If you are in such a relationship and planning to leave but your partner sends people to apologize on their behalf, without them facing you in person to promise or vow to change as soon as possible, then its better you don’t look back.

You need a mature person as a spouse, only matured people recognize their mistake, admit it and take the needed steps and effort to work on themselves. They take responsibility of their mistakes and own it. They don’t hide behind anyone.

Remember you are not looking for someone who will just say sorry but someone who is willing to make an effort to change. If they are going to repeat the same mistake over and over then you don’t need their sorry. There is no need saying sorry for a behaviour you are planning on repeating later.

Bear in mind some people are not sorry for what they did and that is why they don’t see a need to apologize to you. Some use the third party to apologize to you. They do so not because they realize the effect their action is having on the relationship or feel sorry for their action, but because they were caught. An Example of such a person is a cheating partner who keeps repeating their behaviour, doesn’t want to leave and not ready to change either.

Saying sorry to someone doesn’t fix anything, or take away the hurt, it tells your partner how matured you are to admit your mistake and it speaks volumes about your character as a person.

In conclusion, “A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance” – Proverbs 28:13 (TLB)

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