Men are the sole cause of the downfall of the family system, society and the world at large. Men have ignored their responsibility and as a result, the world is suffering from that. By structure and in principle, the man was made as a head and leader. He was placed in charge of the Garden of Eden to take dominion over everything. He is to keep, maintain, protect and multiply.

Adam became the first man in history to fail when under his watch, the wife got involved with a serpent, ate the forbidden fruit, gave him some and he ate without questioning her. Then when God appeared, he went ahead to blame his wife for his lack of leadership. Adam lost his leadership battle by refusing to accept his mistake. Accepting mistakes allows you to take full responsibility. Since then, his descendants have been on this strange path of destruction.

A fish rots from the head down, if the head of a human is dysfunctional, the whole body is dysfunctional. No matter how smart, decent or well you look, if you are sick in the head, the whole being is sick, for the head leads the rest of the body. The head holds the brain, the vision, hub of direction and decision. When the heart stops it can be restarted, cardiac arrest isn’t always fatal. But when the brain stops functioning there is no recovery.

If the head is healthy, safe, stable, functional, the rest of the body have hope for a heathier life. In our modern world, the cry of women for equality is as a result of failed leadership. The men have failed the women woefully. Women are no longer safe under their leadership and are fighting for themselves.

If the man is leading her well, loving and protecting her, putting her first, giving her the best, encouraging her, she won’t have a need to cry out. Unfortunately, the men are misleading them. No daughter will raise their voice against a father who loves, protects, provides and gives her the best.

Today, it’s the men who abuse the women they are supposed to love, care and protect. Today, it’s the men who ignore and take for granted the woman he is supposed to put first, provide for, defend and stand by. Today, it’s the men who are creating the division in the family, society and nation at large.

It was okay for the man to seek for further education, while the woman is left in the kitchen to take care of the home. It seems to be okay for the man to marry many women or even be married and sleep with others but it’s wrong when the woman does same.

It’s okay for the man to go into a relationship with a woman he is far older than but it’s bad when an older woman goes for a younger man. Today what is good and acceptable is defined by gender roles. If he is able to marry, have the money to give to the wife and cater for the kids but decides to take side chicks whom he feeds because he has excess corn, it’s acceptable. Why can’t a woman keep a husband and kids and spend her excess corn on a side cock outside the marriage?

How long will we keep up with this madness? What kind of world are we going to have in the next century? How long will we pretend all is well when we are destroying the structures of the Creator?

Today, we have side chicks fighting over married men and it’s easy to blame, insult attack the side chicks but the question is, who made them the side chick in the first place. We have husbands who are disgracing their family name, their wives and children because they have lost the leadership role at home.

Not long ago we were at our best, doing what we do well, which is attacking. The victim this time was a young single parent who posted a naked picture of herself and her kid on social media. The questions we forget to ask are, who is her father? how was she raised? who is the father of her kid? where is the kid’s father? Then we can understand how difficult it is for the leg to function as the hand.

This is a wakeup call for all men out there. We are not just disappointing our family and the society at large. We are also becoming a disgrace to them. If an old man allows his cutlass to be used to killed a snake, he will also be named among snake eaters. If nothing is done, then remember that when one sits on a rotten wood to eat pawpaw his bottom gets wet as well as his mouth. We need role models.

In conclusion, “It is a wonderful heritage to have an honest father” – Proverbs 20:7 (TLB).

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