Men especially do meet ladies once in a while who seem to possess all the qualities and attributes they want or wish to have as a wife and as a result, try to wow the lady over without success. They sound serious yet they are not taken seriously. Sometimes it is not the case of the lady in question being in any kind of relationship. The lady sees no connection between the two.
The question he keeps asking himself is, why is she behaving like that? I am here to provide you with some tips on that. First of all, the fact that you saw someone with all the qualities you want in your spouse does not mean you have found your spouse. For you have no relationship with them to even call them yours.
Its like coming across a product you want in a shop, the fact that you want it, that it meets all the specifications you are looking for does not mean it’s yours. You need to acquire it, you need to own, it will require you to pay for it to be able to call it yours or have the ownership.
When it comes to somebody you admire as a spouse because he or she has all you are seeking for, even if they are available, they are not yours. Getting them requires work and time. It’s not instantaneous. What people call love at first sight needs time and actions to confirm it. To be with someone, you need a relationship because humans are not like products you can just pay for.
The relationship aspect of the journey is what people don’t pay attention to. They just rush the person they want, to accept their proposal. Some go ahead to list the things they have, their qualities, properties, academic qualifications, etc. You don’t expect someone to accept your proposal, to be your life partner with such an approach. It is you they want to be with and not the things you have, allow them to connect to you, to understand your feeling, to see in you what you see in them.
Unless you are not seeking for a long term relationship, but to just bring someone into your life to patronize you. How do you expect to have a relationship without a connection or bond? Relationship is like a bond, the time you spend talking to them, getting to know them on a personal level is how you build a relationship with them.
You don’t go buying the relationship with money and gifts, when that happens, it’s not sustainable. It is surprising to see people proposing to someone because she or he has all the qualities they want in their spouse but fail to develop the bond which is the relationship.
Even if they accept to be with you, without building the bond, such relationships have no roots and will die soon. Relationships take time to be built, bonds take time to develop. Love takes time to grow. It is not the rushing of things that will build the relationship, the bond or love between you and your spouse.
If you want a lasting relationship, there is no easy way out. You need to have faith in what you see in your spouse and dedicate time and attention to build that relationship. When you see a beautiful family together and strong, it’s not by luck or coincidence. It is by hard work and dedication. Such people have faced a lot together to stay together. They have fought a lot to stay stronger.
Before you can get the one you admire or want to be your spouse, you first need to be friends. Once you have the connection established, they will trust you, they will open up to you. That is how you can choose them to become a family. When you do that, distance or time cannot break you apart because you are connected at the heart and in the mind. A stranger cannot become a family or spouse.
In conclusion, “A friendly discussion is as stimulating as the sparks that fly when iron strikes iron” – Proverbs 27:17 (TLB).