No matter how good the wife maybe if the husband is not a positive minded person forget it, she will Worship him, respect him and die for him and at the end no anything appreciation on his own side. The kind of husband you married can affect your relationship with God and with your life career. The wrong decision lead to the wrong relationship and the wrong relationship gives birth to the wrong marriage and finally, the wrong marriage leads to either permanent endurance or it may lead to divorce. The memories of divorce have never been more sorrowful to any age group than the children of divorced parents.
Although a couples marriage vows usually include the phrase till death do us part, about half of all marriages end up in divorce as a result of a wrong decision or rushing to get married since most of their age mate have married. From the above-mentioned probe, it is adequate to indicate that a positive man extensively improves the opportunity of a profitable marriage. On the other hand, there are possibly a lot of husbands out there who can make the contrary case. On a logical level, all of this omits the point, however.
At some point when your husband is worse than difficult, he treats you badly at home and in public. The problem is that you cant just leave your marriage or change your husband. Instead, you need to learn how to cope with life in a difficult marriage and to gain strength for whatever your future holds. Still, this killed a lot of wives learning to survives a harsh or aggressive husband. When a husband doesn’t know how to properly head, manage, handle, and associate to his wife, they soon begin splitting up as a couple, they soon begin missing all that is good between them, and soon, all that is left is either an unhappy marriage or worse, a failed marriage.
Notably, this all happens because of what the husband doesn’t understand about his wife. I will like to draw your attention to the Holy Scripture, Colossians 3:19 Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them. There is an exact perfect husband or wife for every man and woman called into matrimony, marriage, and family.
God creates and brings you your perfect partner at the right time if you choose to obey and follow His order of creation. This is the perfect partner, husband or wife you will see and say bone of my bones flesh of my flesh my woman my man. When mourning comes to some people they realize that they married the wrong person, they run to divorce. God hates divorce and divorce is a sin.
Complain to the founder of the marriage instead of thinking about divorcing him or her, I believe God can either change your situation or give you the heart to bear him or her. God bless your decision-making process towards choosing a life partner according to His plan and for those in hardship marriage life may God intervene, those who are overlooking for life partner God to visit them in due time, for those married waiting for the fruits of the womb, please God Bless them with triplets, for those who await of their miracle God visit them at your faithful time.
Those that depend or rely on the dependable-reliable God they will be like a mountain Zion, heaven and earth will pass away but God’s word is everlasting. Written by Abraham Edward.