1) A man and a woman are not enemies
2) Culture is what usually contributes to gender conflicts and culture can be wrong. Interrogate culture, sift it. Take what helps your marriage grow, discard what only favours one party in the marriage
3) Both man and woman were created in the image of God. See God in each other
4) The two, though with different genders, have become one in marriage
5) Both men and women need the same thing – to be listened to, to be loved, to be respected and for their thoughts to be considered
6) Both the sexual needs of the man and the woman matter. None should enjoy pleasure at the expense of the other
7) Companionship is about complimenting each other, not competing with each other
8) When the husband and wife love each other well; they teach the children how to relate well with the opposite gender
9) Both husband and wife have individual dreams that should be supported in marriage
10) You are not your spouse’s threat but life partner. Your spouse should feel safe with you
11) When you two were dating you cared about each other’s well being, you were not battling as genders. In marriage, don’t change
12) It took his seed and her egg to form a child. Raising the children is not the responsibility of one parent. How the children turn out is determined by both of them
13) Alot of gender conflicts in marriage are brought about by wrong advice from misleading friends who have a negative view towards the opposite gender. Don’t be poisoned. Be careful who you listen to
14) If you take time to see things from the perspective of the opposite gender, you will understand your spouse better
15) Fighting your spouse, is fighting yourself
16) The more we have better gender relations, the better marriages will be. Your spouse is not your enemy