My brothers and sisters..,
It takes a man and a woman to make marriage possible… It’s not one sided…as I deed, listen to older men and women’s marriage story . Do it.

The reason for marriage is to also help us… Abstain from sexual immorality…

Single ladies; stop playing with that man who is serious about marrying you.
Whether u are of age or not… Anything you want to be in life, the man that truly loves you will work with you to make it possible.

Some of you take that word (marriage) for granted… Any genuine man who wants to marry you may not bring sex into it… That’s how to know a genuine man… Having you around him or just seeing You satisfies him.

Men only just want to have fun with girlfriends, side chiks, or someone they don’t value. But when it comes to the one they value..they are very calm, humble,nice,happy and respectful…

They are just interested in both of you talking about marriage and life,
If marriage is the foundation, you both should put all your effort into making it a success asap.

Too many mature guys and ladies are not married… leading to Fornication

Something I like u to know…

Your vag!na and d*ck have time they need satisfaction as u age…

A lot of us are in that state but single… Cos we want money, material things….That’s the reason sexual immorality is rampant.

We can lessen this immortality by planning on settling down on time.

Marriage is honourable and favourable. There’s a favour you won’t experience outside marriage.

As a woman, u need a man who loves u more, not u loving them more… Ur duty is to submit to a man who truly loves u.

Love is not to be headed by a woman but the man…if you find that your love for a man is higher than his, back off. Find that man around you who even values you more than u value him. (Ephesians 5:22-25)

The Bible said it is not compulsory to marry.. but if u can’t stay, you should marry…
(1 Timothy 5:14, 1 Corinthians 7).

You don’t need to be concerned about what u will chop or a man having a job or if he’s rich or etc…

All u need is a man who truly loves you!!!

He will provide and make everything possible to make you happy, take care of you…Also make things easy for him too.

Marriage is not about the man you have feelings for or you love..That’s illusion and lust.

A man you love more will stress you… you will be the one doing almost everything… except he end up loving you truly.

A lion will not take seriously an antelope that just throws itself to the mouth of the lion to eat…the lion won’t take it seriously. It might just try, but there is no vibe. A lion wants to chase and catch its prey while running after it. That’s its pride.

Special confidence men have when they are with their true women.

U wonder why men you love n feel for treats you bad now, right?

As Lion gat it’s favourite they feast and enjoy, so are men, they have their spec…so that man you are not taking serious could be the right man for you.

One way we can fight the Spirit of sexual immorality is by going into marriage immediately with the man that truly loves us…

When u notice, as a lady, u are having uncontrollable feelings and love for a man who is not really into you. You can’t see love in his eyes and actions for you .. don’t marry that man or go close… Just control yourself cos that’s lust…

Yours is not to love , urs is to submit to true love…

It’s your responsibility to cherish and understand true love.. so u can submit to it when you see it.

Never fight love or have anything against it. Admire it more. Feel it more. Let it be your Pin code.

And when it comes, you won’t miss it. And you will enjoy it so much.

Sexual immorality can stop if we take this principle seriously.

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