We are all seed from our Creator to this world. He has a purpose for our lives and we live for Him. He is all that we need, He is the driver of our lives and knows our destination. Sadly not everyone knows this. People put their hope in men, waiting for the approval of people to become what God wants them to be.
You don’t need people’s approval to become what God wants you to be so stop begging for one. It doesn’t matter if thousands turn you down, if millions say NO to you or billions say YOU CAN’T. Only one YES from God is all you need.
Take charge of your life, write your own story and stop giving the pen to people who don’t know your story. There is no need announcing your moves before you make them, rather move in silence and surprise people with your success.
Only open the book of your life to people who see the beauty in you. It’s not everyone who cares; not everyone understand the chapters; not everyone wants to see you succeed. Many are just curious to know and it kills them when they don’t know.
Desist from the habit of comparing your life with others too. There is nothing to compare, you are different. You are all in a comfortable lead. You are like the sun and the moon, you shine when it’s time. There is a bigger space and timing to contain you both.
You might not be the best today, but for sure you are trying your best. Just be yourself, human, humble and kind. When you knock at the door of opportunity and it doesn’t open, don’t be hard on yourself; it simple means it’s not your door. In other words, if the door is closed, it’s because what was behind it wasn’t meant for you.
When you are turned down, don’t be afraid to get back up on your feet. Try again, dream again. Always remember that sometimes you have to go through difficulties to arrive at your best. Things won’t always go the way you want it, sometimes you win, other times you learn. It’s part of growth so be gentle on yourself.
Keep your head up in order to see the blessings God has placed in your life. Live a life of love, a life that is pleasing to your maker. Never forget that it’s about what we built that matters and not what we brought; what we shared and not what we got. It’s all about our character not just competence. It’s all about our significance and not just our success.
Above all, have a good relationship with your creator, make prayer your language and not a duty, for God can do more in a second than you can ever do for yourself in a lifetime.
In conclusion “I pray that God will take care of all your needs with the wonderful blessings that come from Christ Jesus!” – Philippians 4:19 (CEV).