Can a husband become “pregnant”?
Generally, everyone would say ‘No’. But I stand to say, a husband can become “pregnant”.

Before I delve into the topic, let’s know what is meant by the term “Pregnant Husband” in the light of marriage. A pregnant husband is a man whose wife is pregnant and as a result finds his himself in the shoes with the pregnant wife and acts as the situation demands.
When a wife becomes pregnant, it is not only her that should become pregnant, her husband, too, should become “pregnant” with her.

Characteristics of A Pregnant Husband

The following are some of the characteristics of a pregnant husband:

1) Eating – He eats whatever his pregnant wife eats even if he doesn’t feel like eating it.

2) Walking – He walks slowly and at the same pace with his pregnant wife.

3) Domestic Chores- He doesn’t allow his pregnant wife to do all the domestic chores such as cooking, washing, helping the children get ready for school, etc, alone as at when she was not pregnant but gets fully involved and does a good number of them.

4) Child Delivery- When the time reaches for delivery, he goes with her to the hospital or maternity center to keep her company and assures her that all will be well. He prays for her safe delivery and is somewhat restless until he hears the cry of the baby and sees his wife alive.

In conclusion, a pregnant husband is fully there with his pregnant wife from day one of the pregnancy to the child delivery hour. Some men leave their wives to carry the load all alone by themselves. They never lighten the burden and give a helping hand. Such attitude is bad.

I have four children, by the grace of God. In all four pregnancies, I saw myself “pregnant”, too, not because I didn’t have other things to do. It was a necessity. Even after each child delivery, I followed my wife to take the hot peppersoup and hot tea that she took to take care of the womb because we both went through the pregnancy period together. Praise God!

Husband, be a “pregnant” husband and discover a new level of sweetness in your marriage relationship.

Make out time for your pregnant wife as much as possible despite your tight schedule.

God bless you.

Can a husband become “pregnant”?
Generally, everyone would say ‘No’. But I stand to say, a husband can become “pregnant”.

Before I delve into the topic, let’s know what is meant by the term “Pregnant Husband” in the light of marriage. A pregnant husband is a man whose wife is pregnant and as a result finds his himself in the shoes with the pregnant wife and acts as the situation demands.
When a wife becomes pregnant, it is not only her that should become pregnant, her husband, too, should become “pregnant” with her.

Characteristics of A Pregnant Husband

The following are some of the characteristics of a pregnant husband:

1) Eating – He eats whatever his pregnant wife eats even if he doesn’t feel like eating it.

2) Walking – He walks slowly and at the same pace with his pregnant wife.

3) Domestic Chores- He doesn’t allow his pregnant wife to do all the domestic chores such as cooking, washing, helping the children get ready for school, etc, alone as at when she was not pregnant but gets fully involved and does a good number of them.

4) Child Delivery- When the time reaches for delivery, he goes with her to the hospital or maternity center to keep her company and assures her that all will be well. He prays for her safe delivery and is somewhat restless until he hears the cry of the baby and sees his wife alive.

In conclusion, a pregnant husband is fully there with his pregnant wife from day one of the pregnancy to the child delivery hour. Some men leave their wives to carry the load all alone by themselves. They never lighten the burden and give a helping hand. Such attitude is bad.

I have four children, by the grace of God. In all four pregnancies, I saw myself “pregnant”, too, not because I didn’t have other things to do. It was a necessity. Even after each child delivery, I followed my wife to take the hot peppersoup and hot tea that she took to take care of the womb because we both went through the pregnancy period together. Praise God!

Husband, be a “pregnant” husband and discover a new level of sweetness in your marriage relationship.

Make out time for your pregnant wife as much as possible despite your tight schedule.

God bless you.

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