Man and woman are created to be one in body and in mind and in the way of thinking and in heart. Each one is unique; yet, unity is to be seen in their way of thinking and doing things.
Where there’s no unity between spouses, emptiness is seen; and where there’s emptiness seen, the evil takes it place. Before it takes some space in your mind and thoughts, better keep yourself away from that by being one with your spouse.
Bring all your differences, likes and dislikes before each other and discuss all of them to sort out things between yourselves. Discuss but don’t argue. Don’t go by the word ‘healthy argument’.
It is another technical term to show difference in its expansion; and so it is very deceptive. Taking turns of one being on high and the other being low would help in making a healthy family.
The intervention of EGO at the right time, place, pace and space would help the relationship grow but there should be an effort in making the other understand the point. Show your EGO is hurt; be bold yet be humble in doing so.
Who should be humble; man or woman?
Both should be humble. Both should work together to build a family. It doesn’t happen with one. Both are joint heirs of the grace granted by God.
So, a man should understand that unless he honours his wife, he can’t claim the inheritance of God’s grace neither can his prayers be heard. (1 Peters 3:7). No man can boast of his strengths. A man is bound to give his strength to his wife but not to use his strength up on her.