Many of us take people for granted, we can’t be bothered how they feel. We are all guilty for this at one point or another. We deny that we don’t however, the more we grow in life the more we realize that people aren’t forever. We constantly keep saying ” Life is short ” yet we don’t genuinely love or accept people the way they are.
People are precious. Without those around us where would we be? Yes, Is sometimes painful when people disrespect and cause us pain within, we become bitter and we end up avoiding them so they don’t keep causing us more pain but, we also forget that these people are part of the master plan to design us for the best. So why is it so hard for us to let them know that we care?
Sometimes we feel we don’t need anyone and we can do it all alone; NO, that is a big lie.
In life, when we face some challenges, it might only be with these people’s help that we overcome such predicaments or solve that puzzle quickly because they have been uniquely designed for that assignment. We push them away then our ego and pride make things more difficult for us to progress with ease because we took them for ” granted “. Without each other we can’t achieve anything. We should stop using each other and killing each other for “benefits” that won’t even work out in the long run.
The only beneficial thing in life is helping each other even if it takes pain to do it, taking care of each other, showing each other that together we can truly make a difference.
Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed for anyone. It’s interesting how we don’t feel comfortable saying” i love you” but we say it dozens of times when we write tributes to the departed.
Create happy memories with people so that you can hold on to and forget about all the issues and problems you had with them years ago, forgive and forget and treat them how you want to be treated.
Remember, “When we are separated, we become ordinary but when we come together we become extraordinary”.