One of the mysteries which humanity as a whole is very ignorant of today is sex. No doubt, there is a lot of research on the physiology of sex, that is sexual organs and hormones among other things. Nevertheless, there is a lot of ignorance about the spiritual dimension of sex. Sex goes beyond the physical: It is also emotional and majorly spiritual in nature. Sex is a mystery and unfortunately majority of those who engage in it do not fully understand the mystery behind it.
The following points will help you understand the mystery behind sex:
📌 Sex is a Creation of God: Sex was God’s idea; it was not created by the devil. Sex was not invented by Nollywood, Hollywood, Bollywood or an internet chat room. The word “sex” is not in the Bible – original King James Version. The two words use for sex are: CLEAVE and JOIN with the condition word, LEAVE. This shows clearly that God’s sex standard; LEAVE and CLEAVE. Sex and marriage goes together.
📌 Sex is a Spiritual Thing: Sex has a spiritual dimension. In every sexual intercourse, two things are released: TANGIBLE and INTANGIBLE. The tangible is the sperm, the intangible is the spirit while the sperm is doing the biological, their spirit is doing the spiritual. Sex is a spiritual thing. It takes spirit, not just sperm to produce another baby.
📌 Sex is a Sacred Thing: Sex is a sacred thing and should be treated as such. It is not something casual and frivolous, therefore it should not be trivialized for any reason.
📌 Sex Consummates Marriage: God does not call it sex, He calls it JOIN. That means after sexual intercourse you are one with the person. It is not wedding in the church that makes the couple one, it is sex in the wedding night that makes the couple one. What takes place in the church is WEDDING while what takes place in the wedding night is called WELDING. A wedding is only a ceremony while the welding is called the consummation of marriage. Each time marriage is consummated, it cannot be disannuled, it can only be divorced. Divorce means means to tear apart. Therefore the word divorce means permission to tear yourself apart.
📌 Sex is a Serious Thing: Some people say, “all sins are the same before God not according to Paul as stated in first Corinthians 6:18. Sex is not just something you do, sex is who you are. Many people do not understand that when sex is not done within the scriptural prescribed confines of marriage, a temporary pleasure derived can lead to eternal pressure and pains. The Bible is replete with several cases of destiny diversion, destiny abortions at the frequency of illicit sex. e.g Dinah (Genesis 34:1-5) Reuben (Genesis 35:22; 49:1-4. 1Chronicle 5:1).
📌 Sex is a Blood Covenant: One of the strongest covenant established between a man and a woman is having sex for the first time. It is a blood covenant, that is why no woman can forget the man that deflowered her throughout her life time. God’s original intention was that this blood covenant should take place in the wedding night. So when this happens outside marriage, it becomes evil blood covenant.
📌 Sex is a Serious Transaction: In every sexual encounter, there is exchange between the man and the woman. In every sexual transaction, something leaves you to your sex partner and vise versa. That is why, there’s nothing like “free sex”. Everyone in it pays for it. In his book, “THINGS I WISH I HAD KNOWN BEFORE WE GOT MARRIED.” Gary Chapman wrote “I wished I had known that sex is more than intercourse but it’s nature is a bonding experience. It is the union of male and female in a intimate way. It is not simply the joining of two bodies.”