Most at times, when you ask singles looking for relationship or yearning to jump into marriage, what kind of partner do they seek, one of the answers you are likely to get is someone who cares. But my question is, what really shows someone cares about you? Is it about the gifts, the phone calls or what?

Caring goes beyond mobile money, it goes beyond “what have you eaten today”. The truth is, caring is what makes love complete, it is what defines love. To care for someone is to anticipate what they go through, what their needs are, to be sensitive to their needs, to put yourself into their shoes and see things from their point of view.

Caring doesn’t stop when a partner hurts the other, in fact that is when the test of caring is showed. But sadly when things go wrong in a relationship, when one partner is hurt or not happy, they tend to cut off care. The supply of care seizes in the relationship. Couples end up selfish and cold hearted towards each other.

Partners show so much care when they are happy and not when they are hurt. But the true partner who loves you, cares so much about you when things are not going well in the relationship, when you are not talking, when one is hurt. When one is distant. They are concerned and worried so much about their partners in the bad times of their relationship. It is the time they pray for their spouses. It is the time they look for them.

It is during the time of hurt that partners who truly love themselves check their phone every minute to see if they will have text messages or missed calls from the very person they are having issues with. It goes a long way to tell you, their love for you is bigger than the issue in the relationship. It shows they truly care for you.

Not a partner who falls asleep knowing you are so much hurt, knowing you are crying. Not a partner who doesn’t care if you get home, or about your whereabouts. Whether you are safe or not, just because you have issues or they are hurt or not happy with you.

Not a partner who makes time to enjoy their favourite TV Show when you are not feeling well and still in bed. Not a partner who serves their favourite food and drink when you are sick and have no appetite for water.

If someone can easily fall asleep knowing you are crying, he or she doesn’t care about you. Their love falls short. If you don’t get home safely and they don’t care to find out whether you are safe or need help or why you are not home, it truly tells you your partner doesn’t care for you and their love for you is not enough.

Love is best showed in bad times. Before you conclude he or she is the most caring partner, wait when you get into bad times, when they are hurt, when they are angry. That is the test for their love for you.

In conclusion “When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good. But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners” –

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