Many men have complained that women are hard to love and are something else; they don’t know what they want, not to talk of the man in their life who is trying to figure out that and meet those needs of hers. Loving a woman becomes complicated when you misunderstand her. Every woman is different, if a man will learn to focus on one woman and learn about her, loving her will be easy.

She becomes complicated when she doesn’t know who she is to you, when she doesn’t know her place in your heart. Every woman wants to be her man’s woman but not one of his women. She wants to be treated special because she sees herself as special. And when she is treated like any other woman in the life of his man, she becomes uncomfortable.

She wants to be addressed as his one and only, not one of his many. Women have a problem with men who can’t do that. She doesn’t want to be call his favourite for she understands what you call your favourite could become your least liked with time. What you term as favourite could change tomorrow.

She doesn’t want you to call her your forever, to her forever is just a myth. What she wants you to call her is ‘yours’. What is yours will always be yours. That is what makes her happy. That is what makes her feel happy.

She wants to be secure, she wants your intention for her to be real. She doesn’t want to be led on, for when that happens, it is easy for you as a man to move on than her. To you the man, she is out of your life. But to her, it is difficult getting you out of her memories. Something she cannot do. She lives with such memories. And that is what hurts her the most.

Women want a man who is thoughtful, a man who can love her in a million ways. A man who is not tired of thinking of her. A man who doesn’t not run out of ideas of expressing his love to her. To be with her is a must.

She is not looking for a super man who will fix all her problems but a friend who will be by her side through all her problems; Not a lover who runs away and only comes around when the mood is special. Not a man who shows up because she is looking good and he misses her, then leaves when done. The truth is, you only miss the sun when it starts to snow. She doesn’t want to go before you know you love her.

A friend who will hold her hands when things go wrong, a friend she can run to when she is feeling lonely. A friend who never leaves, someone who doesn’t make you feel alone.

She wants a man who will love and respect her as his working partner, not a subordinate he can lord over but a partner he can serve. She wants a man who can’t stand her tears, a man who will die when she cries, not a man who will cry when she dies. Such a man might not understand her feelings and might hurt her.

In conclusion “Women must also be serious. They must not gossip or be heavy drinkers, and they must be faithful in everything they do” – 1 Timothy 3:11 (CEV).

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