It baffles me to see people doing everything to steal their fellow’s lover or spouse. It is shocking to see a young woman doing everything to steal the husband of a fellow woman. She might have lost her figure and become older, you might be young and still having your figure; but one thing you need to know, she has not lost her blessing. You are the one who is in to rob her. You are a devil and the bible describes you as such “The thief’s purpose is to steal, kill and destroy” – John 10:10a (TLB).
The devil comes with the aim to steal, kill and destroy. You going to steal someone’s spouse kills their happiness and destroys their marriage. Who are you? How different are you from the devil?
What makes you think your marriage to the stolen partner will last? If they cheated to get you, they will cheat to leave you. If you are on this path, think about this one more time. Don’t rejoice for destroying someone’s marriage.
What goes around comes around. “For if you give, you will get! Your gift will return to you in full and overflowing measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use to give—large or small—will be used to measure what is given back to you.” – Luke 6:38 (TLB).
For the young ones going into marriage, please bear in mind that it’s a journey of no return and you need a partner who really loves you, not someone who pretends to be in love with you.
If it’s love, they won’t keep records of your fault, give you excuses to let go but reasons to make it work. They don’t care about your past and mistakes because they want to be with you in the future, their focus is on what they can build together and not what you did in the past.
Your actions might hurt them sometimes, they might get angry but they never leave you alone. They never forsake you because they see you in the same way they see themselves. No matter how mad one is at himself, they can’t hate themselves, rather they continue to love and care for themselves.
When they love you, they are dedicated to you; they make time for you, are committed to you; spend resources on you and protect you; they do everything not to expose you to danger, they cover your flaws with the same passion they use to guard themselves.
Love is beautiful at the beginning but it is more beautiful when it is old. Love is sweet when its new but it is sweeter when its true. When love is true, it spends time creating memories, memories no one can steal, spaces no one can occupy, blessings they can’t trade.
Forever is a destination the two want to travel to, not caring how bad the road will be or how long the journey will be, for they have each other and nothing to lose.
It doesn’t matter if they didn’t come first in your life, what matters to them is being the last; it doesn’t matter if they are not your first love, first hug, first kiss or first date; all that matters is how they can be your last in everything.
In conclusion “Treat others just as you want to be treated” – Luke 6:31 (CEV).