The thought of getting a new partner as a backup plan to prevent some people from getting hurt when their current relationship is showing signs that it might end soon is an unhealthy decision. Such thoughts or moves are fueled by fear and we all know that fear has no place is a relationship that runs on love.
Fear always grips a relationship with no love. In such relationships, one or both partners live in fear and one thing about fear is that, it’s an invisible monster that scars us with wild thoughts. As a matter of fact, when we are scared, we fail to see what is wrong or right. We end up acting on all kinds of thoughts because of the fear of losing someone or a relationship.
Getting a new partner as a back-up plan cannot prevent you from getting hurt unless you don’t love your current partner and are just using them or you are in the relationship with them for your selfish needs. What are you going to tell the new person to make them stay in a relationship with you? Are you going to be honest and tell them, you are acquiring them as a spare tyre so that when things go bad with your current relationship, you will fall on them? You must as well tell them that if things get better between you and your current partner, you will leave them.
Most definitely, you are going to tell them lies to keep them with you. Do you want to be trusted by telling lies? Getting a spare tyre for a vehicle will make it secure in case of an eventuality but not with a relationship. Such actions or moves only pose security threats to the relationship. You are just telling your current partner that you are a lair and not worth trusting.
One of the reasons why marriage is the safest form of relationship is because of honesty. There cannot be a great relationship without honesty. As a matter of fact, relationships are for honest people so if you are not honest enough to tell your partner in your current relationship that you are no longer safe with them therefore you will like to end the relationship, then you don’t have the moral right to belong to a new relationship with someone else as a backup plan.
You don’t find the right person by doing the wrong thing or applying in a wrong way. And you cannot also find the right person if you are not willing to let go your current relationship which you think you are not safe with. Do the needful by talking to your current partner on your fears and if you don’t see any improvement, end the relationship, get over them before getting into a new relationship. It’s an error to be in a relationship yet act around as if you are single and proposing to people you meet.
It’s not a good feeling to be in a relationship with the fear that it might end up soon, knowing deep within you, you have no future. If you have the chance to make it work, do that without getting someone in between you and your partner. Love relationship is between two hearts who love each other and not three people because of fear.
For all you know, your current partner loves you more than you know, just that they are not happy with you so they are not showing their love for you. You need to have heart to heart conversations. If for nothing else, leave as an honest person, leave as someone who gave your best, leave as someone who loved them.
In conclusion, “A good man hates lies; wicked men lie constantly[a] and come to shame” – Proverbs 13:5 (TLB).