We can get to certain crossroads in life where we make the wrong choices. Sometimes, these wrong choices are made as a result of lack of understanding, or pressures in life or immaturity. Sometimes, these wrongs come with serious repercussions or consequences which become scars in our lives. There are some results of wrongs that are so evident and become part of us, we cant do away with. Let the past be in the past. Don’t let it limit your future.
The wrongs you’ve done in the past cannot limit Gods plans for your future. The plans and purposes of God for you as his daughter are still on course. He doesn’t change because you made a mistake.
He will watch over his word concerning you to ensure it comes to pass. All you have to do, is to believe and trust him with your future. Don’t allow people to condemn you because of your past, and certainly, don’t condemn yourself.
Look to your Maker and tell him, I’ve made mistakes in the past, I’m living with the results. However, give me the future you have planned for me and restore to me the years I’ve wasted away from you.
My Dear, know and believe this, Gods plans for your future are actually to bless you and help you. He will never disappoint you if you trust in him.