Home Motivational Facts BEWARE OF SLAY QUEENS



A friend has been dating a slay queen for some weeks now, he likes her but the bill for her upkeep keeps going up with each passing day. Lately, she asked for a birthday vacation in Zanzibar. The man has even never acquired a passport and he is dating a girl who dreams of a weekend at an island outside Kenya.

To make it more interesting, she went ahead and posted it on her social media, “Barry is taking me to Zanzi for my birth day”. Her numerous friends reacted with “wow,” “OMG” and many such exclamations. Now poor man is puzzled. He has just realized that his marriage plans will just bore this girl.

First, she is not willing to give up her figure for child bearing; her manicured nails are not the kind to be covered in charcoal in an effort to make dinner. In simple terms, she is just a girl who believes her imaginary parents live in a palace.

So my dear brother, if you do not have millions stashed away under your bed, do not bother the slay queens. There are numerous girls who can make a wife and mother for your children. A slay queen might do the same but until she gets over the ‘slay queen’ mentality, I suggest you watch her from a distance and let her outgrow that chapter of her life.

The first slay queen in the Bible History was Delilah, followed by Jezebel. Then came Queen Vashti and Herodias was followed later. Guess what? None of these slayers ended up well because their lives displeased God.

But take a very critical look at the pray queens like: Sarah, Ruth, Deborah, Hannah, Esther, Abigail, Mary, Elizabeth, Dorcas, Priscilla and others. These people all ended up well because their lives pleased God. My beloved daughters, never be intimidated, carried away or envious of these slay queens with their flashy and hypocritical life-styles they live on social media.

Just go close to them and see their secret lives off social media. Some of them are real time big beggars. Some of them sell their bodies for money. (Run girls). They claim to be high class girls while they are not.

Do you know what? Their Master the Devil is very busy preparing them for flash. But God is preparing you to shine. Remember that the flash on your mobile phone is bright for short period of time but the sun shine rays provides a permanent shine.
Be a pray queen of asset and not a slay queen of liability..
Be real
Be valiant
Be yourself
Be virtuous

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