Don’t be the reason why someone is dying now, don’t become the reason why someone is living in pain. Don’t become a reason for someone losing the very important thing which means so much to them in life, their marriage.
Don’t break someone’s home in the bid of building yours. Don’t steal someone’s block to build your home.
God won’t permit you to have peace in such a home. If the man or woman is not happy in their marriage, don’t allow yourself to be used as an entertainer. If you can’t pray for them and ask God to fix their issues, let them be.
If the man or woman is going through pain in their marriage, don’t become their painkiller. When you do that, you leave side effects which cannot be corrected.
We are all different and unique, if the man or woman you want is taken, what it means is that, they are not yours. Yours is out there.
When you steal someone’s shoe for yourself, for the fact that it fits well doesn’t mean it is yours. It’s still stolen. It might fit well but feel wrong.
In conclusion, “Stolen melons are the sweetest; stolen apples taste the best!” But they don’t realize that her former guests are now citizens of hell” – Proverbs 9:17-18 (TLB).