When you are in courtship, it is possible to express love to each other without going sexual. You must never interpret sex for love, even in marriage. Although sex is an expression of love in marriage, every wife wants more than sex as an expression of the husband’s love. A touch of admiration, appreciation and affection would mean more than the touch of only sexual desires to a woman.
There are so many things you can do to express love to each other in courtship without going sexual. Be careful! God forbids you from going sexual till you are married. If either of you, brother or sister, is trying to go sexual, stop it immediately because engaging in that is going to ruin the home that you are to set up.
Don’t arouse each other with sexual messages by sexting. Asking for what colour of bra and pants your fiancée is putting on or wearing suggestive clothing when you are together should be avoided.
Many young people in courtship had planned to pray together alone, but another thing started after the prayer. It has happened to many. Every sexual contact for the unmarried is a sin. For the married, every sexual contact different from the man or woman you are married to is a sin.
If you are a single person reading this devotional, I urge you to commit to the Lord that you will serve the will of God in your generation. If your destiny will be great, if you will move from glory to glory, there’s a height of glory that requires you to walk in purity.
There’s a level of commitment of the power of God to a man that will not come except you are sexually pure as single or married. There’s a glory of God that will not break out on a man’s life unless he is sexually pure.