It’s true marriage is not by force, don’t convince someone to get married to you, then after years of helping you make it in life, you write them off by saying “marriage is not by force”. If you are married and are fond of such statements, you really need some growing up to do; Stop fooling.
Your words make no sense. Before you got married, didn’t you know marriage was not by force? You were not forced to marry your spouse. No one put a gun on your head. You chose your spouse out of the many singles available, it was your choice.
You also knew marriage was for life, not a relationship out of convenience which you can just end anytime you want. You also knew you are human, married to your kind, none of you is perfect. That is why you need to constantly work on yourselves to get better with time.
If you were not in it for life, why did you sign or agree to be in a relationship that was for life? Marriage is not by force for singles, but when you are married, you must keep to your vows. You have to make it work. It’s a MUST if not FORCE, you are bound by the conditions of the marriage.
A caution to the singles out there, if the man or woman is not the kind of person you want to live with for the rest of your life, please don’t get married to them with the hope of turning them into who you want them to be. You are not God, remain in your lane as a man.
A caution to the married who initially saw your spouses as an opportunity to climb the ladder in career, life, finances, etc and now you think you have reached the top of your career so you don’t need them anymore. When you use someone to make it, you unmake yourself the very day you maltreat them or get rid of them.
Humans are not meant to be used, they are meant to be loved. There is an expiry date for things we use, there is a lifespan for things we use, but there is no lifespan or expiry date for the people we love. Even in their graves, we still love them. And that is what marriage is about, it is about love and not about using people.
It’s a curse to use people in the name of marriage. Don’t use anyone just to get children, or fulfil your financial needs, etc if you don’t love them or see yourself growing old without them. A strong caution to the people thinking of divorce now, to seriously think it through. The same caution to people getting married this weekend, seriously think through the step you are about to take.
In conclusion, “Therefore, what God has united and joined together, man must not separate [by divorce].” – Mark 10:9 (AMP).