HAVE YOU NOT READ? And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these sayings, he departed from Galilee, and came into the coasts of Judaea beyond Jordan; and great multitudes followed him; and he healed them there. The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? And he answered and said unto them, have ye not read, that he who made them at the beginning made them male and female.

Matthew 19: 1-4 Jesus traced most marital problems to this fundamental ignorance. He said, Have you not read? Even in our contemporary age, biblical balanced, Christ-centered teachings on marriage are very scarce and scanty. The word read Greek anaginosko means to know certainly, to know again, and to recognize .

It is possible to go through church for five years and not hear any solid exposition of Gods Word on marriage and the family life. You may occasionally stumble at pet messages on wedding days, but just for fifteen minute. Attention is given much more to photographs, video coverage, gifts, toast and dancing. Parents also shy away from teaching their children what marriage entails.

They may actually be incapacitated because their homes are the opposite of biblical principles. Even some Pastors too are victims of wrong marriages that is hindering them from been their best while behind the pulpit. Some people are actually reading, but not consulting the very author of marriage. Rather, they devour books of fiction on love and romance; others read books of other couples, which struggled through several years of nagging and now have settled for some psychological or spiritual reasons.

Teachers of the Word on marriage are very few. The scripture says, God made them at the beginningmale and female Math. 19:4. To have a right conception of what marriage is and is not, we must go back to its beginning. A close looks at the passage above reveal that Jesus quoted directly from Genesis chapter two verses 21 to 25. You cannot understand marriage without understanding the anatomy of the man and the woman in marriage as revealed from the beginning of all things.

It is not the theory that we need, but the essential principles that spells out Gods purpose for marriage and how to be exposed to the right partner. To know how to use a new device, you must consult the manufacturers manual. Likewise marriage, failure to read the manufacturers manual (Gods Word) is the reasons for the present marital breakdown and infidelity.

To secure the future, we must go back to the beginning and download the basic principle line up by God for accuracy and success in marriage. THE PURPOSE ILLUSTRATED Marriage is defined as the spiritual relationship between Christ and Church manifesting in the physical realm through the union of a man and woman. And the purpose is to deliver man from loneliness and self-destruction.

And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him . Genesis 2: 18 The word alone means For man to be alone in his life; alone in his labours; alone in his decision, ministry, battles, planning, thoughts, achievements or failures, is not good. What you have achieved now is nothing compared with what God has reserved for you when you marry your most compatible wife.

The shape of your life and labours are not yet clears because of the hidden part (your compatible wife). Those that are married and yet thinking alone, acting and labouring alone are into an incompatible marriage. This is not good in Gods side. This is not divine design from the beginning. It was Right Man/Right Woman; no substitute.

God says, I will make him a helper comparable to him Gen. 2: 18. Your helper is your part owner, one who owns, carries, contains and holds the part of you that makes you incomplete, weak or liable to fall in life. Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labour . Eccl. 4: 9 When God desires a man to succeed in his life and in his labour (ministry or business) on earth, He gives him a wife that is comparable with the nature of his labour (ministry or calling) and that fits his anatomical and physiological structure.

The right woman is a divine input. He needs help to accomplish great things for a great God. And his right woman is the ultimate help ever needed as a deposit to bring forth the best out of him. She is as a capital investment into his limited resources in order for him to accomplish Gods call in his life. The right woman is designed to be an embodiment of Gods help to you and your ministry on earth.

However, a woman who is not a helpmeet is not a wife but a liability. Help is never needed or relevant unless there is a work, labour, ministry or load that is beyond the mans present ability to bear alone. Have you discovered your ministry or labour? What do you want in a wife, a sex object or a helpmeet? Sisters, never marry a man that cannot define his ministry. Adam had a ministry before the coming of Eve.

God gave him an estate called the Garden of Eden to manage. The assignment given to him was to Keep and Dress the Garden. Eve was a help suitable to Adam intellectually, morally, and physically as his counter-part. Help is actually a sharing of force or burden, in order to bring accomplishment to a specific and well-defined ministry. Her coming into his life is to fulfill purpose and destiny.

Every marriage is expected to bring in a good return to the couples from their labour. Do you understand the ministry of this man? Are you sure you are comparable with his ministry? What will be your contributions towards the success of the marriage? Think about this.

Next article5 Qualities Men Look For in a Wife
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