“Marriage is something everyone thinks they are getting it right in the beginning”

Ask everyone dating about their marriage plan, all you will hear is, ‘We are waiting for something to fix our wedding date’, ‘I have gone to see her parents and I was well welcomed’,.

There is more to marriage than finding a wedding date, liking each other crazily, getting emotional, having all the attention you wanted, meeting his or her parents, and having their approval.

Remember, all failed marriages had parental approval, wonderful emotional moments, memorable sex experiences, and buoyant weddings. There was no sight of fatality in view in the beginning even though all the action that birthed the marriage were enough signs of fatality

There is part of every human being with the tendency to hide something. Let me make this clear to us, when people fall in love, the ability to hide things becomes larger than before. No one loves to fall in love and lose it. People become too sensitive when they make commitments in a relationship. Humans are like traders, no one wants to raise up the bad good when a customer is willing to keep coming all the time.

People can keep things until they are married knowing that it’s more difficult at that point to be thrown away than when the marriage hasn’t happened officially. Most men and women who hate divorce still keep their marriage at this point but they won’t be committed to it.

Ladies who have had five to ten times abortion wouldn’t want to talk about it earlier. Men who have disappointed twenty women don’t want to talk about it. There is always something people don’t want it to come to the table in the beginning. People know how to show others what they want to see.

It is advisable to be sensitive than to be emotional when you are in a relationship. You need to dig than indulge. Don’t judge people by what they can say. Find out what they are not saying. Truth is always in what people are not saying.

Don’t be carried away by emotion, attention, gifts and having your way all the time. A lot of women push for attention which in reality turns them into loosed emotional women and the only thing they focus on is attention and that becomes their value rate. That’s more tragic in nature.

These days, a lot of men get attracted to women who perform very well on social medias but the truth is, there is someone the same women are that they haven’t brought to the social medias and would never do such. Don’t be such who knows nothing about someone in your life except the ones you were told by him or her. Social media hides the realities of people than anywhere else. A lot of people who look successful, handsome, beautiful on social medias are trapped in poverty, lack, depression and frustration.

Someone once said to me, ‘You are an amazing writer and I would love to be very close to you”. I said to her, ‘Most of the finest writers in the world have terrible attitudes. Don’t be attracted to someone by small reasons. You need to have bigger reasons for anything important”.

The devil kind of human beings can pay attention. They know what they want and always ready for the sacrifices of putting everyone on their side.

The devil himself is more busier than anyone else convincing the world that God is fake and he is more real.

There are people today who hate God and openly preach it. How did that happen? The devil worked them through. Same about most people who want to end up with a guy or lady in marriage. They make you believe in them that you would never believe in truth.

What do you think just happened when a good christian girl or lady starts opening her legs to someone who would not go to church with her and at some point, she will be willing to get pregnant for him? To her, she is getting it right.

I have heard innocent Christian girls said to me, ‘I will never give my body to any man until I am married’. I always remind them that the bible said, ‘Don’t give the devil a foothold’. Some seemed to be innocent and casual relationship is just where every fall happens.
That casual foothold aroused emotion and that is how sexual urge builds up and physical expression of it happens

A lot of falls happen in the beginning. This falls are the very factors that come to hurt people when they are married.

A wicked man may please a woman to the end just to have her in marriage and afterward, his wicked nature will reveal itself. But if you are prayerful and sensitive, you can avoid such a person.

Marriage is not just about planning for it’s events. Plan for the marriage. Calculate the cost of the journey ahead. Remember, in the beginning, nothing is what it seems.

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