Dating is not a business for girls and this is why when you advice girls not to depend on a boy, they get mad but the truth is, the only man a girl can depend on is her Dad. Until she grows up to have a man in her name as WOMAN. That is when she takes care of herself and knows what she wants and what she doesn’t. Any man she decides to study for marriage is just a friend, she doesn’t depend on this friend for her needs, until the friend proves to her he wants to care for us; which means he loves her and wants to marry her.

She then becomes a wife to such a man and depends on this man who is now her husband; for a wife depends on her husband. Unfortunately, in the fast food world we are now has really provided short cuts to lots of things, making girls feel it is right to date, even when they know they are not ready for marriage. They get into a drama and called it a relationship not knowing the problem is them.

It is also sad to know many ladies have fathers not daddies, fathers who just donate sperm and disappear; who didn’t nurture these ladies, so many leave home looking for a daddy in a boyfriend. Whilst others are lost in the deadly competition this world offers. Despite all that their daddies are providing for them, it is not enough for them.

They want to be beautiful like others, wear what they wear, eat what they eat, visit the places they visit, and this is pushing them into relationships to meet these expenses. In this life, you don’t need to be beautiful like others, what you need is to be beautiful like you by making the best out of the little you have. A woman needs to know the different between a boy and a man.

A man is mature and has no time for games, he is real and understands that the word “care” is what makes love complete. Which means, when he says he loves you, it means he cares about you because he has seen a wife in you and wants to make you his. A real man who loves you is proud of you, and spends each day to prove his love for you. He texts you in the morning and in the night, makes time out of his busy schedules to speak to you, just to hear your voice.

He makes time to see you even if it will last for only a short while. He cherishes times spent with you, makes you laugh, holds hands with you in public, takes the silly and the cutes pictures with you. Occasionally uses them as his profile picture, celebrates you. He respects you and is honest with you. He doesn’t lie to you and takes no delight in putting you up for competition or making you jealous.

He doesn’t flirt with other women, not to talk of cheating on you. You don’t need to ask him for transport fare when you visit him; because he cares, he provides that for you, even when you say no. You don’t have to remind him to remember you or make time to talk or chat with you. He spends on you because he has found a wife.

You don’t need to ask, for he wants to. He is committed to protecting you with the same passion he uses to guard his heart. He is able to let the ladies who are crazy about him know he has found a wife, and that is you.

In conclusion “Even if you have to suffer for doing good things, God will bless you. So stop being afraid and dont worry about what people might do” – 1 Peter 3:14 (CEV)

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