As a woman, stupidity is when you sit back cross-legged and search for an already made man. In case you don’t know, every already made man out there has a woman who has been with him from when he had only a pair of shorts and a single shirt. That’s why majority of ‘well to do men’ usually make you nothing but a sex- toy .
(1). If you believe that you must always have the last say in an argument,you are not ready for marriage.
(2). If you don’t like anyone invading your space, you are not ready.
(3). If you’re a lady and you don’t cook or don’t like to cook, your marriage is not likely to be easy or funny.
(4). If you always say things exactly how they come to your mind not caring who is hurt, your marriage is likely to crash.
(5). If you believe you are who you are and no one can change that, you’re not ready.
(6). If you think about others when you’ve fully sorted yourself out, you’re not ready.
(7). If you are so good about holding a grudge and you will only let go when you feel like, stay unmarried.
(8.). If you’re a man and you are not engaged in ventures or a process in time that can financially take care of your immediate family and beyond, you need to give yourself a few more years to be ready.
(9). If as a man, you’re easily swayed and pressurized to do things against your wish, you are not ready for marriage.
(10). If you believe that women at their best should
be good in bed and kitchen affairs only, you will end up having a bitter and subdued wife; Stay away.
(11). If your mind can’t conceive the thought of having a more successful wife, even if it is temporary, then you have little ‘growing up’ to do.
(12). If you have no confidence in your capability and your future, you have no business taking someone else with you.
(13). If as a man,you don’t have a mentor or leader you follow, listen or refer to, you’re not going to be able to lead your family.
(14). If you can’t have wedding ceremony within a budget you can personally afford, give yourself more time. Who says you
can’t have 20 guests or less at your wedding? Cut your coat according to your cloth and take responsibility. As a man, you can define how small or large you want your wedding ceremony to be and be able to handle it.
(15). If you have anger problem such that you can destroy things when you are angry, get a therapist to help you in managing it. Otherwise engage God’s help for the change you seek. With anger issues, you’re a disaster waiting to explode. Marriage is an investment, what you put into it determines what comes out of it!