Adam heard God expressly.
It’s not clearly stated in scripture how Eve got him to eat the forbidden fruit, but we have an idea how..
See the result
Abraham heard God expressly.
He listened to Sarah and see the result today.
As a man, listen to your spouse, but not if it goes against God’s direct mandate to you.
If God told you to stay here, no matter what any lady tells you, you don’t move.
If God says don’t accept this job offer, no matter the pressure from your wife or fiance, you don’t give in.
Because in the ẹnd, you’ll still be blamed by her and by God.
This is more common among young men,
She asked you to buy her iPhone X, but you can’t afford it, so you go and steal the money or steal the phone.
Stealing because your fiance or wife is mounting pressure on you is not going to justify the act of stealing. “You go go jail.”
Any lady who consistently puts pressure on you beyond your financial capacity isn’t a wise woman.
It’s Valentine, or it’s her birthday
You want to “prove” your love to your girlfriend, and you then go and borrow money just to do what?
To spend at Kilomajaro,
To throw her a birthday party.
Money you don’t have.
Money, you don’t even know when you’ll pay back.
Relationship that may still break up tomorrow.
You’d then lose her, but the debts will remain
Wise people don’t borrow money to spend on luxuries.
You can borrow money to pay school fees, hospital bills, necessities, emergencies, not to buy shoes, and clothes (luxuries)
If she can’t manage the one you can provide, let her go oh.
A wise woman won’t advise her spouse to borrow just to buy her ice cream and sharwama that will end up in the toilet while the debt lives on like an immortal.
Like seriously?
You don’t need to tell someone to leave your spouse alone for you. That’s your spouses job.
If you have that much strength, why not enrol in an amateur wrestling competition instead of fighting and losing body parts for free.?
For every one girl that turns you down, there are two more willing to accept you.
You kill yourself, and she’ll attend your funeral with her latest catch.
Stay alive for PEOPLE who love you instead of killing yourself because of one PERSON who doesn’t.