If a friendship grows into a relationship, then into marriage, both you and the Man stand to benefit and enjoy the dividends
Take it easy with the demands and expectations on Brothers, the Marriage is a blessing and a covering to everyone in it.
He should send you Tfare to come visit him, you’ll still collect tfare from him even when he comes to visit you. Minister of Transport, National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) coordinator, well done ma
You’re working and earning but he should always be the one to pay for any outing you both go on, you never contribute.
He should sub for you, buy every every for you.
He should open the door for you, close it after you.
He will pay your bride price, then sponsor the entire wedding (traditional and white), you work oh, but you feel if you contribute you’ve cheapened yourself
After Wedding, your list of expectations from him as per romantic husband continues.
Aunty, small small
The Marriage is for you too.
Contribute Something..
I’m not against chilvary and a man who loves to spoil his lady, I am such a Man by God’s grace, but the question is, as the Man is doing all these for you, what are you doing in return for him? (Don’t tell me sex, please)
Being romantic is for everybody. Not only Men
Don’t make dating and marrying you too hard
Don’t be self centered. Don’t make your relationship or marriage all about you
A Help Meet is meant to reduce the Load, not increase it…
Are you a Helper? Or you are a Helpless?