Recently I wrote an article on “Misinterpreted Relationship” it was well received and digested but not without concerns especially from ladies about the activities of some guys. This I like to address in this piece. I will try as much as possible to express my balanced and unbiased opinion.

One of the challenges singles face in relationship is time wasting. It is not limited to single ladies alone, single men also face the same challenges. A situation where a potential husband or wife is yet to decide whether to marry or not thereby subjecting the other partner to serious relationship headache.

A man for example can waste a lady’s precious time because of indecision and purposelessness. He will be lurking around her, chat her from morning till night, eat her food and drink but fail in episodes to pull the trigger. And when the lady sum up courage to ask him he won’t go straight to the point or even assume she’s desperate. What a man!

A lady too can continue to receive gifts, telling the man she’s thinking or praying about it, wasting the time of the man. They failed to think or pray before receiving the gifts or money. Hypocrisy and witchcraft at its peak!

See, time is very precious. If you lose it, restoration can only be activated by God (Joel 2:25). Apostle Selman says “whatever steals your time, stole your destiny”. So be circumspect to see the handwriting on the wall. You must sustain enough discernment to know a time waster right from the start.

Another problem I see in our generation is that, many singles be it male or female don’t ask relevant questions to test the claims of their partners. I- don’t – care attitude will lead many to serious relationship woes. God can never be blamed for that, but you.

If after several months or years he or she is not showing any sign of seriousness, please move on. A relationship right from the start must be defined. The vision should be very clear and unambiguous. A serious relationship goal should be marriage, anything short of that is time wasting.

Relationship should not be based on guessing and assumption if he or she is not sure then move on! Stop assuming.

Say an unapologetic NO to love without purpose! At the end many lose their money, body, properties and most importantly, time.

We can put an abrupt end to these ugly narratives if only we do the needful. If a lady must wait for you, she needs constant assurance backed up by purpose and clear direction to make her wait worth it.

And for the ladies, if you know you are not interested in him, come out straight and stop beating around the bush. Don’t sacrifice his time on the altar of pretence and indecision.

We can all be responsible.

You know I love you.

An impactful and responsible relationship and marriage is possible.

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