Dear LADY, when it comes to choosing who to marry, beware of ANXIETY and DESPERATION, it has led many astray. There is this lady who chats to me every now and then whenever she meets a new male friend. And she would come tell me everything she’s feeling for them. She’s always in love with ALL of them. Obviously, she is so desperate for a relationship. She gets curious about any guy that comes her way.
Then one day I told her, if you don’t stop being desperate about going into a relationship, you will fall into the wrong hands. As a lady, when a guy sees that you’re desperate to go into a relationship with him, especially the irresponsible ones, they will gladly take advantage of you and you will be at the loosing end. Desperation distracts. Desperation is unattractive. Responsible guys love confident and dauntless ladies. Once they sense desperation in you, it turns them off totally.
As a lady, desperation makes you vulnerable to ANYTHING in the hands of guys especially the sons of BELIAL. If you fall in love with EVERY guy that comes your way, I think you really need to work on yourself and put your feelings under control. You are not meant to find your man, he is meant to find you. Your duty is to position yourself like a queen that you are. Stop chasing guys all around. Stop being desperate to go into a relationship with every single guy you meet.
If a guy has not mentioned anything about relationship to you, then you have to guard your feelings. You can’t simply marry all of them. Some are just meant to be a good friend to you. When a guy wants you, he knows what to do.
RESPONSIBLE guys know what they want and how to get it. You can’t force them into what they do not want. They do not take advantage of ladies. They have sincere intentions. Even if you throw yourself at them, they will either throw you back at yourself or throw you out of their life. They are not sons of BELIAL!
Above all, allow the Lord guide you in making your marital decision. Choosing who to marry is a very sensitive matter. It is not just about catching feelings. A lady once told me that she no longer love her husband like when they were still in courtship, just in less than two years into marriage.
Hmmm, the question is, what happened? What changed?! Do not allow your feelings dictate for you. Feelings can be fleeting. Feelings can be unstable sometimes but a WORD from the Lord will set you on the right path and keep you going. A GOOD SPOUSE is from the LORD alone!
I trust you are blessed. May the Lord grant you understanding in Jesus’ name. I celebrate you powerfully.