1) If you have small boobs or a small behind, don’t let the media and music videos make you feel not hot enough. Sexiness is not defined by the size of your body parts. You look sexy just the way you are.
2) There is nothing wrong with you if you are not married yet. You’re not incomplete just because you don’t have a man. Your marriage will come, you were created for more than marriage
4) There is nothing wrong with you if the man you wanted to love turned you down. One day a man who knows your worth will come
5) There is nothing wrong with you if you were cheated on by your man. He chose to be unfaithful, don’t you feel unattractive; you are a keeper, he just foolishly chose not to keep you
6) There is nothing wrong with you if you have stretchmarks. Your skin had to expand when your curves formed and when you got pregnant; celebrate your womanhood
7) There is nothing wrong with you if you have wrinkles. Those beautiful lines look so cute and real when you laugh and smile, embrace them. Thank God for the years you have lived
8) There is nothing wrong with you if you don’t have children. You are not a lesser woman because you have no child. The mothers are not more special than you, children are a blessing from God not an entitlement. You will get your own or if you so wish, adopt
9) There is nothing wrong with you when people mock you saying your standards are high, you know your worth and God will grant you the desires of your heart; dream big
10) There is nothing wrong with you when you lose fake friends. Better one true friend than a long list of fake friends
11) There is nothing wrong with you when you have stayed single for long yet you desire love. Love will find you, don’t betray love by quickly jumping into wrong relationships
12) There is nothing wrong with you when you choose to dress decent in a world where scandalous ways get lots of attention. Don’t lower your dignity, and respect for you will pile up. You don’t have to use the sex card to get attention. You have a brilliant mind and deep heart; besides, decent is very sexy
13) There is nothing wrong with you if during sex you don’t squirt. The ladies who squirt shouldn’t make you feel you are missing out. Enjoy your own sexual high, each woman is made differently
14) There is nothing wrong with you if you have haters. They hate you and are jealous of you because of your success and shine. Don’t let them distract you, answer their hate with love, win them over with more success and your smile, shine on!